This controversy has reared its head in several states already. The common thread is two-fold. First, it is controlled by Common Core, Obama’s nationalized education standard. Secondly, students are routinely assigned schoolwork in which they are to explore Islamic tenants.
They also change up things like the Pledge of Allegiance to state “one nation under Allah”
The latest outrage of the one-size-fits all top-down government-controlled education reared its ugly head with Tennessee’s national Common Core. Middle school students are required to recite and write, “Allah is the only god,” as part of a history project. The American Thinker video on the next page explores this in depth:
Parent should shut down t he schools and fire the school board members and give them a ride out of town on a rail
My kid would not go to school
Amen to that, they wouldn’t do it to mine, I would take my child out of that school in a heartbeat ! They won’t let you speak of God at school but then turn around and do this, Oh No I think Not !
To all young children :
Go to American History books and read for yourself to learn
Why you are BLESSED to live in
Our Great Country !!!!
Do not allow the brain washing
Crew convince you to BETRAY
I would take my child out of school so fast teachers wouldn’t know what happened. Do people not know those who worship Allah believe in killing people that do not believe as they do. America, Wake Up.
Come on people, are you crazy?
This needs to stop there is no place in our American school for this kind teaching parents should remove their children from the schools and place them in Christian school or homeschool them
The school should never receive another penny from federal government Ever!
Jesus is the only way to heaven. All others are idols.
Sick! In letting this happen!