The banning of all flags, including “Old Glory”, at Dickson County Schools in Tennessee has left many understandably upset. Students are frustrated as they feel that their right to demonstrate their patriotism is being squelched. Some students said they were told that if they brought an American flag on campus, they would be kicked out.
Dickson County School District is now attempting to clarify their flag ban by sending an email to FOX13 after the story broke this past weekend.
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We caught this at$#%&!@*ude from these other countries…
No flag-no government funding!… Sounds right to me!
There is something really wrong going on in TN.
File multiple law suits….band together!!!!!
Ban this school
A very stupid State, I really thought Tennessee had more sense than that is this State run by Mitch McConnell no wonder he is a communist democRAT evil devil & so is the state of Tennessee.
Recall the school board!
Hell No this is America
Cowardly schoolboard!