The banning of all flags, including “Old Glory”, at Dickson County Schools in Tennessee has left many understandably upset. Students are frustrated as they feel that their right to demonstrate their patriotism is being squelched. Some students said they were told that if they brought an American flag on campus, they would be kicked out.
Dickson County School District is now attempting to clarify their flag ban by sending an email to FOX13 after the story broke this past weekend.
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Ha ha lol that’s a joke ant it what idiot would even think about it fire those people and the idiot who hired them Ok people it’s time to put a stop to Obama and all these other idiots who thinks he’s wonderful stand up and stand your ground you will be surprised how many others are with you
Christian schools need more students Right ? Time to move mom and dad
Sick… the man
glad I dont live in Tenn
Michael Merrick Knell to Obama or Else.
No, no and NO!! The US flag should be proudly flown everywhere in the US. Period!
where are the Vol’s????
The ole “one is guilty” SO PUNISH THEM ALL AT$#%&!@*UDE. Wrong, WRONG WRONG!!!
He won’t either, long’!!