Tennessee has converted to Islam! At least the school districts all appear to be bowing to the East thrice daily.
Allhu Akbar! Dozens and dozens of taxpayer-funded Tennessee school districts are refusing to comply with an open records request from a conservative legal nonprofit seeking materials and documents relevant to the way public schools are teaching Islam — primarily to middle schoolers.
Yes, they are actively teaching Islam. No none of that “separation of church and state” around here when it comes to allah! More shock on the next page:
Why, you afraid Christians will revolt?
Send it back to the middle east!
I seem to find that when man begins to interpret for the masses, all is lost.
Can’t teach Christianity in school but they are considering Islam. Seriously do you want a war
So many gold stars
Where are the law sues?????
This is so wrong. This is America
Move out of TN
keep it in there own country p**s on them