Tennessee has converted to Islam! At least the school districts all appear to be bowing to the East thrice daily.
Allhu Akbar! Dozens and dozens of taxpayer-funded Tennessee school districts are refusing to comply with an open records request from a conservative legal nonprofit seeking materials and documents relevant to the way public schools are teaching Islam — primarily to middle schoolers.
Yes, they are actively teaching Islam. No none of that “separation of church and state” around here when it comes to allah! More shock on the next page:
Do you Jim Schoeff?
How so very sad that political correctness has and is ruling! Obama and comrades are winning! “Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly!”
Home School to save your children!
I live in east TN Dale and my boy is not even 3 yet, and if not for that I think would put your plan in motion. If for nothing else to draw attention to this nonsense removing Christianity while implementing Islam. I will not stand by idle and let this go down or my boy attend a school system which is so blind to the truth…..
they must have messed up there brains with to much barleycorn!!
No teaching of Muslims rights .
Better get ready for a State Takeover of that School District!