The Dickson County School District in Tennessee banned the Confederate flag amid the recent controversy, but then went ahead and banned all flags – including the Stars and Stripes.
The Dickson County Director of Student Services Steve Sorrells has no qualms about this stunning decision and firmly stands by it.
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Very UNAMERICAN!!!! You don’t like AMERICA, get out of this Country!!!!!
Who hired this anti American ‘person’. Send him packing to a job more suited for his America hating butte
Fire them all!
Why does he still work for the school? Put his unpatriotic butt on the unemployment line.
What the hell is wrong with Tennessee???
Pull your children from this unpatriotic school and home school where you CAN fly our flags , Confederate and American !
From the way Tennessee’s been acting up this weekend they will be asking us to leave the union. Need to clean up our act
Shame on them!!
That is the most ridiculous sh*t I’ve ever heard! What on Earth are people thinking?