The Dickson County School District in Tennessee banned the Confederate flag amid the recent controversy, but then went ahead and banned all flags – including the Stars and Stripes.
The Dickson County Director of Student Services Steve Sorrells has no qualms about this stunning decision and firmly stands by it.
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A new Shwriff’s in town.
How about that district ban their tax code
Thats it I’m running for school board
Wtf? Thats fucking rediculous
What the hell is going on in Tennessee?
That’s crazy. Our military died fighting under our flag for over two centuries. It is a symbol of freedom recognized around the world. Saying we have other ways to show our patriotism just doesn’t cut it. Every country has a flag. Not flying ours is an insult to our country, every patriot that died for it and every American that is proud of it. You are doing our children a great disservice.
Not for long
Fire them all , American children should be taught to respect America the family’s who disagree should go back to where they come from
As unpatriotic as it can get. We suggest you remove this Americans from staff
obamas people still around ?