The Dickson County School District in Tennessee banned the Confederate flag amid the recent controversy, but then went ahead and banned all flags – including the Stars and Stripes.
The Dickson County Director of Student Services Steve Sorrells has no qualms about this stunning decision and firmly stands by it.
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Cut all funding. Shut off the water and power.
Fuk that! Shut that school down by not giving it money! They dont like the American flag, then they dont deserve American money at all!
They can’t ban anything. Little$#%&!@*wannabes. Fuckem. Shut the district down and home school.
THEN WHAT DO THE CALL IT ?? This is America we honor our flag !!
B******t! Lol!
I don’t think banning the American flag should ever be allowed in the USA that o ly leaves room for others to take over ! Not I am American through and through ! If you can’t be then leave!
Exile these communists
Good way to find out about Tar and Feathers and to being rode out of town on a rail. Review your TN. history.
No fed funds.