The Dickson County School District in Tennessee banned the Confederate flag amid the recent controversy, but then went ahead and banned all flags – including the Stars and Stripes.
The Dickson County Director of Student Services Steve Sorrells has no qualms about this stunning decision and firmly stands by it.
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My personal opinion anyone that Bans the flag, walks on it, lets it hit the ground, Burns it, DISRESPECTS IT IN ANYWAY SHOULD BE SHAMED OUT OF TOWN. THEY DON’T LOVE OUR COUNTRY…
Okay this was in 2015… was not now. Please dont just post people will believe it just happened.
What the is wrong pp any ways just p**s me off my family has died for us you need to get the$#%&!@*out and stay out
Cut their funding off
District manager should be fired
Schools are ruining our next generation.
Then lets ban giving the school any money and see how fast he puts the flag back up.
What do you mean it’s not unpatriotic? It’s our nation’s flag. YOU are the one who’s unpatriotic!
No fed funding for that school district​.
fire the sob