The Dickson County School District in Tennessee banned the Confederate flag amid the recent controversy, but then went ahead and banned all flags – including the Stars and Stripes.
The Dickson County Director of Student Services Steve Sorrells has no qualms about this stunning decision and firmly stands by it.
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Take there funds away!
Is all of Tennessee IGNORANT and ANTI-America? Libturds are treasonous!
I would remove my children from this school district.
Disgusting to even think about it disown the stinking place and everything about.
Somebody needs to tell these morons not to bite the hand that feeds them…..If the school board and teachers are so hateful toward America they should all be fired and sent to Cuba to teach there.
More commies that need to be killed. No more talking or negotiating patriots its time to kill tje enemy.
You sir are a nitwit and an unpatriotic Liberal! Our flag should fly over every public school in America and the students should be taught the history of our Founding Fathers and why and how we became a nation that they can be proud of! Today Liberals have taken over the schools and rewritten our history so kids hear about slavery and abuse of the Indians but nothing about the men who signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well they were risking their lives if caught by the British! They pledged everything they owned and their lives to this new nation. Our history is so much more than the bad things and what they don’t tell the kids are how many white people were working to abolish slavery for years. I know that some schools don’t teach about WWll or mention the heroes of that war! They teach instead about how illegals have a right to be here and even teach the Quran and have them learning Muslim prayers! Too many brave men and women have given their lives to keep our flag flying and our people free to allow a jerk like this to ban it! How dare he?
Then WE ban the Federal Funds coming to your schools….