Middle school parents in Tennessee are completely appalled that their children are learning to recite the Islamic creed, and write out the five pillars of faith according to the Koran. In fact, the school curriculum has the 7th graders spend three weeks on Islam and very little amount on other faiths.
This is state mandated.
Would you allow your child to learn and write the Islamic conversion creed? Next page:
Should NOT be allowed. Christian doctrine is not allowed to be taught at school! Whats with the double standard?
WHY?!?! Where are all the goofy liberals that cry about separation of church and state?!?!?!
Not my child!
Wake up America, we are being invaded… and lied to by the people we hire to run this country.
Don’t think so!!!
i would rufuse to have my kids do this under any threat
F that! Take your kids out! Demand that stop! GOD GOD GOD GOD!!!!! JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS!!!!!
@[100009889485722:2048:Tina Byrd]
sounds like time to shovel out the crud in that school