Middle school parents in Tennessee are completely appalled that their children are learning to recite the Islamic creed, and write out the five pillars of faith according to the Koran. In fact, the school curriculum has the 7th graders spend three weeks on Islam and very little amount on other faiths.
This is state mandated.
Would you allow your child to learn and write the Islamic conversion creed? Next page:
I don’t think so.
If it was my child I would take them out and home school them.
Get the fk! Out of my school
Every person in that district GET OUT OF THAT SCHOOL STAND UP SHUT THEM DOWN
This is wrong. Where are the Ten Commandments in our school..first and foremost!
Isn’t it illegal to teach religion in the schools? Opps. I called the Islam Sect a religion.
Is this traitorous c**p really being allowed in a conservative state like Tennessee ?
No!!!!! Pull the OUT!!!!!!! Home school
If Christianity isn’t allowed in schools, why is this C**P being taught?
I am a born again Christian as I see it if we took prayers out of schools how is this right by any means and what do we expect no God , No respect, no protection of infants life’s (abortions) no values ! God Help us as a nation we should be up in arms about this ! This is America this country was established by Bible believing men who love and feared God ! And even addressed this in the cons$#%&!@*ution