Middle school parents in Tennessee are completely appalled that their children are learning to recite the Islamic creed, and write out the five pillars of faith according to the Koran. In fact, the school curriculum has the 7th graders spend three weeks on Islam and very little amount on other faiths.
This is state mandated.
Would you allow your child to learn and write the Islamic conversion creed? Next page:
Two words. Home school.
like $#%&!@*ido
I would pull my child from the school…WHY is it thst you can not teach the Bible but can teach this religion of hate? What is the agenda here?
No, they won’t, unless we let them.
I’ m glad I don’tive in Tennessee I’d move for sure .
NO HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! ???
Come on parents grow some backbone and go to the school and tell them no way in hell will you allow your child(ren) to be taught this c**p. They are your kids after all……any religion instruction should be what you decide, not some flunky in the schoools.