Middle school parents in Tennessee are completely appalled that their children are learning to recite the Islamic creed, and write out the five pillars of faith according to the Koran. In fact, the school curriculum has the 7th graders spend three weeks on Islam and very little amount on other faiths.
This is state mandated.
Would you allow your child to learn and write the Islamic conversion creed? Next page:
These are not public schools anymore they are brainwashing government facilities. Why are we letting everyone else make decesions for our children?
Where is states rights if that was our bible every one in washington would come unglue
My child wouldn’t.
Your answer is Common Core and your states decision to use it… Teachers are retiring early in droves and others are quitting from being forced to use Common Core. Principles fired for refusing it .. Both teachers and parents and concerned adults have been fighting using it sense 2008 when it was discovered what is in Common Core!
Someone needs to come down hard on that school and let them know just how wrong they are by doing this awful thing..
This has to stop
How can the school sys. do all this without parents knowing about it first???
B.S. get rid of that school board garbage.
thats sad will be creating some more home made terrorists sooo sad for those kids
Who the he’ll is ( BREITBART NEWS ) ????? And do you really think them good O boys from Tennessee would stand for that??? I’d call this B.S.