The Great Depression that inhabited the Thirties left a scab on America that took until the Nineties to heal. Since then, the Great Recession of 2007-09 has been effecting America in the same way.
As new generations form, there is a gap of people who would rather rip the scab right off than realize what role politics actually plays in this spasmodic state of economic crises’ the world keeps “stumbling“ upon.
Is the world bound to perpetual banking bailouts by the tax payer? Could we even survive another one? According to The Telegraph, another collapse “would trigger a cataclysmic, uncontrollable backlash,“ and down that road the signs insists that the world could not afford another financial crash as it would drag Britain, Europe, and the United States back into poverty, and possibly create the collapse of capitalism itself.
The recipe is clear, and the ingredients are set. How could the world be so close to another economic crisis?
Find out on the next page.
Børre Molund Rønqvist You dont know$#%&!@*about slavery, if you did you wouldnt be so careless and quick to throw around the idea. Apparently you dont know$#%&!@*about capitalism either so let me explain it to you. Capitalism revolves around people producing a product and the wealth that comes from that product. In its purest for it begins at a local level. Brought forward by people with vision, and desire. a small buisness starts with one person, and as the buisness grows the owner hires more people to increase their production. Those people arent slaves, they agree to help produce that product for payment of some sort. Now here is where pure capitalism goes wrong and gets turned into either crony capitalism or socialism. When the company reaches a certain size, depending on the availability of resources, it has 3 paths before it. Path 1 is that it goes to crony capitalism, the owner buys and bribes his way into a position where he destroys any competition, therefore driving up his profits while turning his employees into serfs. Option 2 is the socialist option, where the employees vote for a govt which forces regulations on the owner and destroys the company and all the jobs with it, Unions are formed to do this very thing. Option 3 is the pure capitalist option, in which the owner sticks to what made him a success. The company grows, competition springs up around them, bringing more jobs, higher wages because theres more jobs then people and therefore employers must pay more and offer benefits, Lower prices due to the competition, and a higher quality of life for everyone. So you see capitalism is made evil by greed whether it be greedy employees or greedy owners doesnt matter, greed destroys its purity and turns it into something else, but pure capitalism will always be the engine of Ideas, invention and prosperity.
If capitalism is destroyed then world populations will be reduced because we will no longer have the ability to sustain populations because production will fall and there will not be enough to go around like the famines of the soviet union.
United nation Nigeria soldiers have continue to kill we biafrans an you people dont want to talk now you people are going peace keeping in siria but you want us to die finish before you people will come an help us we are not nigeria we are biafra no biafra no peace
America needs to pull out of the UN. We don’t need to be apart of its Corruption. UN was invented for peaceful measures and I don’t see them working on Peace!! But being Dictators and obama sits on a seat in the UN.
I wish we would attack Boko Haram to.
Nha may Diana vn (nn 101)
Børre Molund Rønqvist , Shut the$#%&!@*up and go back to drinking your cool-aid. Fucking brainwashed$#%&!@*up!
Why are some hell bent on destroying Capitalism?
I want trump to turn that into snub nose…
Free market capitalism is the best opportunity for a nation. We have rigged cronie capitalism in the United States. Socialism Communism and Capitalism are all bad. Capitalism is lesser of those evils.