If you need any more proof that teenagers today are entitled, spoiled, and ungrateful, then this video is for you.
A new video shows a group of unruly kids attacking a United States Postal Service worker while he was making deliveries in their neighborhood.
The reason the teens decided to attack? The mailman’s delivery of Christmas presents was apparently late.
Forget the fact that some families in America barely have enough money to get by with the bare essentials — much less afford Christmas presents — these kids have been raised not only to expect presents as some sort of right, but are disillusioned enough to believe that the delivery of the presents on or before Christmas is something worth attacking a government employee over.
While the video is shocking, its doubtful this sort of activity is anything out of the ordinary for these thugs.
See the video on the next page:
typical worthless niggers but they dont do nuttin
Listen this was justified because he made them lose money on their crack sales.
My daughter works for the post office, you touch her, Marines are about to beat your$#%&!@*
He$#%&!@*needed beating just pure evil pump c**p
I would of had a stun gun and believe me /i would have them on the ground and called for police why didnt someone call police on these thugs this is why America has become so bad with thugs today since puppet has been in office
Nothing will happen doesn’t fit the liberal agenda
Not with this POS prez. They’ll probably get invited to the WH.
I’m a retired postal employee. This is ridiculous. They should be shot.
Arrest them