Socialists in this country have a long-standing tradition of hating guns, gun culture, and any tradition involving guns. In fact, the Department of Justice had a secret imitative nicknamed “Operation: Choke Point” in which the goal was to target gun manufacturers that were disliked by the Obama administration and run them into the ground.
They had been getting away with it, too, until Ted Cruz blasted a nominee for associate Attorney General.
Find out what Ted Cruz uncovered on page 2.
He makes me proud to be a Republican. A fighter for the rights supported by our Constitution.
This is all planned because of Muslims will have their their way
hes a moron
Can’t believe Americans are STILL guzzling the socialist kool-aid…and claim LOVE for America???MORONS:(
From the same bunch of commie scum that gave automatic weapons to the drug cartels at the southern border. America–run by totalitarian idiots!!
Mike,your argument is invalid.The SecondAmendment IS NOT about hunting.It’s about AMERICAN’S RIGHTS to rise up and defend ourselves against what we have now…A TYRANNICAL government,and yes you are CORRECT,they would mitigate us down to single shot BB guns and tell us we still have our 2ndAmend.Rights!
Ted Cruz is a fighter for what is right !!!!
We the people will not shut up set down or surrender !!!!
What’s in your trunk !!!!
Take note here: Ted Cruz is successfully manipulating a large segment of the voting population by playing to the only issue that exists in their minds.