Ted Cruz claims he is anti-establishment, but it is hard to tell when listening to his reasoning for supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement that essentially gives away national sovereignty to the group of nations that are signatories, and to the multinational corporations that are pushing for this proposal.
I want to trust Cruz, I really do, but it seems that with every politician that I examine I find a lot of shenanigans, but this is a very serious one.
Make no mistake, this fake trade deal kills the sovereignty of any nation who signs it.
As exposed by Wikileaks, only five of the twenty-nine chapters of TPP have to do with trade, while the balance has to do with Internet control, labor relations, and a host of other issues that should be negotiated separately.
The TPP allows corporations to sue government in secret tribunals. It doesn’t get more anti-sovereign than that.
Worse yet, it was written by corporations and negotiated in secret. An agreement that is negotiated in secret is an agreement that is designed to screw someone, and that usually means the public.
More on page 2:
You should consider a party change Sam…..you sound JUST like a liberal
No it was a mistake!! Apology was made!!! Cruz for President!!!!
Sam Keels
People like u elected Obama twice
PLEASE REPOST IF YOU AGREE – – – “They” say we won’t get out and vote for TRUMP – – – let’s show them just how wrong they are AGAIN! I HAVE HEARD THAT IN SOME STATES THIS IS A BIT TRICKY – – GET WRITTEN CONFIRMATION OF YOUR CHANGE. ONE LADY SAID SHE HAD TO GO BACK THE SECOND TIME TO GET THE CHANGE MADE. IT IS WORTH THE TROUBLE FOLKS – – VOTE TRUMP. Check this site to make sure of the rules for your state. Some states require you to be a registered Republican in order to vote for a Republican candidate in the primary and the general election. Check and make necessary changes to be able to vote for TRUMP so he can Make America Great Again. He is the only one who is willing to do what has to be done to keep this country safe and secure – – if we are DEAD from Islamic terrorists attacks, no other issues matter!! http://www.fairvote.org/primaries…
Not happy about this!
I’d support Bob Whitaker if I was you! American Freedom Party!
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and associated deals have been kept secret for a reason. If the details were spelt out you would have literally dragged the politicians from their parliamentary playhouse.
Genuine free and fair trade is not wanted by governments and the corporations that rule them. We only know some of the nasty details thanks to WikiLeaks ( https://wikileaks.org/index.en.html )
This video explains the banking aspect to the deal. The Corporations have stolen our Democracy. Bankers are locking in powers and privileges that are against the interests of people and their nations – https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1&v=GbFvFzn8REo
PM Malcolm Turnbull rules out a public inquiry into the TPP and its “benefits” to our country -http://www.farmonline.com.au/news/agriculture/agribusiness/general-news/pm-rules-out-inquiry-into-tpp/2745283.aspx?storypage=0 – contact Mr #Turnbull and ask him to#ReleaseTheText …. now. https://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm
Some pollies recognise that opposing the TPP is a vote winner. Have you noticed …. lots of pollies lie to win votes? See comments section below #HillaryClinton
The TPP is really about entrenching the interests of large multinational corporations – talk of “free trade” and its benefits is a smokescreen – http://www.smh.com.au/business/the-economy/tpp-the-devils-in-the-unknown-details-20151007-gk326i.html
BRN and many others have been warning about the secretive aspects in this deal. The only hope we have is to pressure pollies to cross the floor and knock it back. Contact them here -http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Guidelines_for_Contacting_Senators_and_Members
#TPP, #TiSA, #TTIP, #ISDS – Check the known details for yourself – once these agreements are locked in place the only way you or your children will be able to reclaim a truly Democratic Sovereign government will be by revolution. Most of us do not want to live in a world ruled by the bankers for the bankers ….. do you?
The TPP is shrouded in secrecy. The nations that have or are set to sign are the US, Japan, Australia, Peru, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Canada, Mexico, and Brunei Darussalam. Other nations have also shown interest in signing.
People around the world are uniting against TPP. Together, we can stop the agreements that are being negotiated IN SECRET AND AGAINST THE WISHES OF MOST and reverse the negative impacts of past agreements.
We can drive forward our alternatives based on the interests of the people who’s ancestors built, shaped and fought to make our individual nations great. National interests over global inc and corporate privileges.
Research the TPP and read petitions. Find OR START a petition, sign and share HERE, there and everywhere. Find out about planned protests. Write to government. Get involved any way you can.
Australia, for starters, find out more here
New Zealand
Abraham Lincoln must have been God, because he is supposed to have performed trans-substantivity.
In a speech far shorter than a Mass, the God Lincoln transformed our Declaration of Independence into a statement that we ruled the world.
Let us see if anybody remembers what the word “independence” means.
Independence means we are dedicated to one thing, and the one thing is that you don’t run our affairs and we don’t run yours.
Lincoln declared that the Declaration gave us the power to force our version of equality anywhere on earth. General Wesley Clark declared that American troops should be used whenever we feel like it to enforce racial quotas in Europe.
People say Lincoln was God and Clark his Prophet.
I think they should have been committed.
The Founding Fathers knew exactly what “independence” meant and they stated it: “To maintain the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
No congress today would allow such a statement even to be proposed for the Constitution.
It is Nativist and Evil and God will get you for it.
The actual Constitution says not one word about jamming equality down throats around the world.
The Preamble to the real Constitution is that we should have no immigrants unless their presence is good for the people already here.
No one who thinks Lincoln is God will know any real history. So they think there were a lot of immigrants who helped adopt the Constitution.
Actually, the generation that adopted the Constitution had the highest percentage of native born white Americans it has ever had before or since. It is not incidental that the President had to be born here.
I would be a good president if only because I am the only candidate who has ever READ the Constitution.
There is no evidence that anyone else running for office has.
More from Bob Whitaker http://www.robertwwhitaker.com/
I’m in love with Bob! http://www.robertwwhitaker.com/