Ted Cruz claims he is anti-establishment, but it is hard to tell when listening to his reasoning for supporting the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement that essentially gives away national sovereignty to the group of nations that are signatories, and to the multinational corporations that are pushing for this proposal.
I want to trust Cruz, I really do, but it seems that with every politician that I examine I find a lot of shenanigans, but this is a very serious one.
Make no mistake, this fake trade deal kills the sovereignty of any nation who signs it.
As exposed by Wikileaks, only five of the twenty-nine chapters of TPP have to do with trade, while the balance has to do with Internet control, labor relations, and a host of other issues that should be negotiated separately.
The TPP allows corporations to sue government in secret tribunals. It doesn’t get more anti-sovereign than that.
Worse yet, it was written by corporations and negotiated in secret. An agreement that is negotiated in secret is an agreement that is designed to screw someone, and that usually means the public.
More on page 2:
Ted Cruz is America’s American President bringing Law and Order to Washington DC.
Not a true statement. Ted is against Top and voted against it. Check it out. Trump lost my vote with his new low of being a bully.
K, good! But non the less, he cannot beat the dems.
Check the facts. This is a lie. Cruz voted against TPp and is one of only 5 people who did.
No to tpp
Was wondering who was better until I found out Trump’s for abortion, now he is not telling the truth on Cruz’s stand against Tpp ,never liked a bully and don’t want him elected now.
He had dual citizenship but gave up the Canadian citizenship. He has spent his life fighting for our constitution. He is the real deal.
Trump lied. Cruz has voted against tpp and this is pure propaganda. Check the facts.
Who told you that? Totally as much a lie as this post about Cruz being for tpp when he has voted against it and spoken against it when few people would.