Ted Cruz continues to escalate his rhetoric against Donald Trump, with the Texas senator making some especially heated criticisms of the GOP frontrunner.
Having both long abandoned the pretense of neutrality the two maintained in the early days of the election cycle, Cruz and Trump have gone back and forth with each other on the campaign trail as the primary builds to a head. As the convention grows closer and closer, the attacks grow harsher and harsher.
This week, for instance, Cruz pounced on recent comments by Trump that he was okay with transgender individuals using the bathroom of their choice. The issue was raised when the real estate tycoon was asked about the North Carolina law that requires people use the bathroom corresponding to their biological sex.
Quick to note that this is a stance not exactly common on the right, Cruz cited it as further proof that Trump is not a conservative but rather, as he once famously claimed, a liberal with “New York values.”
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Do more research. You are way off base. Seek and you shall find. In this case you will find your photos do not hold water.
Really?..trump said that Hillary did a good job as Secretary of State..also has said she would make a good president…gave the Clinton foundation 250,000+…after benghazi???..you are way of base Janis Woodham!!
Bonita Selzler no talking to a Cruz fan. You have your thoughts. I have mine. However not only have I researched Cruz but also Trump. You don’t put on blinders just for the one you support. They both have made blunders . Cruz has misrepresented himself many times. All I say is research him as well. Thanks and have a good day.
Misrepresented himself?..when was that?
No one cares what you say Cruz go home
I think people quit listening to Ted. He even looks sneaky!
Ted Cruz is an idiot!! I do not want a frigging man dressed as a woman in the restroom, shower, or dressing room!! Shows he will say and do anything to get elected! Does Cruz really feel it is okay for a man to dress or shower where his wife or daughters are doing the same thing?? People use some damn common sense!!! Just because a man likes to wear women’s clothes, it does not make him a woman! It makes him a man who has issues and thinks he has the right to subject the rest of us to his whims!! Why are the rest of us forced to deal with this stupidity??
Grasping at straws? Or does Cruz want ladies room privileges?