Ted Cruz clearly thought he was going to have his Ronald Reagan moment when he took to the stage during the Republican National Convention. Instead, he got booed off the stage.
During the 1976 Republican convention, Ronald Reagan narrowly lost his primary fight against incumbent president Gerald Ford. After he lost, Reagan was invited on stage in order to address the divided convention. In his unprepared remarks, Reagan never mentioned the man to whom he lost the nomination. Instead, he delivered a speech so strong that it left the room with a palpable sense that they had nominated the wrong man.
Four years later, Reagan won the Republican nomination in a landslide.
Cruz was clearly trying to emulate that moment when he addressed the convention this week in Cleveland. In an attempt to set himself up for another presidential run in 2020, he committed what many have called “political suicide.”
Cruz stated reason for not endorsing Trump is a very personal one, which will certainly give the impression that he has put himself before the country.
Suicide indeed!
But that’s not all that that Cruz has done that leads one to believe that his motives were completely self-serving. See how Cruz is trying to capitalize on his failed endeavor on the next page:
We will look at his courage when Trump’s liberalism is on full display. This was engineered to be vindictive against those people who identify with conscious and the Constitution. Bush lied only far left wacko use that lie. I know people that shipped WMDs out of Iraq.
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Does it really matter?
I still want to smack that smirk off his face! Ugh!
EVERY Damn Congressman is just like Cruz,$#%&!@*and Gripe about EVERYTHING and DO-NOTHING for the TAX-PAYERS. Vote these CRY-BABIES OUT!!!
Lyin Ted how can anyone believe what he says he is just butt hurt he got his butt kicked
Cry baby !
He showed us all he is no man of his word
Mockers are not of God and condemn themselves