The #Nevertrumpers may have cause to cheer as Cruz told Glenn Beck in an interview on Tuesday, that if he were to win the GOP primary in Nebraska, that he might restart his Presidential campaign. Though he does not expect to win, he is “leaving the door open.”
He has not lent his support for the Trump nomination as of yet, as the GOP National Convention is still months away, and with a miracle, Cruz hopes things could change, resulting in a potential path to victory.
There are numerous “prominent Republicans”, like both President Bush’s, John McCain, and Mitt Romney who have not pledged their support to Trump. In fact, the formerly mentioned men, say they will not attend the convention in July either.
Many Conservatives feel like Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, that Trump has not demonstrated that he is a “champion of (sic) conservative ideas” and therefore cannot endorse Trump.
Read more on the Cruz re-entry on the next page.
For what?
James Guffey you are a very sick man.
Go home ted
good luck with that
Restart these nuts
Give it up! Honor your word to SUPPORT Trump!
Who are his advisors? The brothers Grimm?
Cruz wants to be a “part time Pres”. Rest of the time he’ll want to be Pres of the NAU and support the TPP.
Share this info. This is what is happening behind the scenes and cruz is included. Copied from another post. “GOP Elite Plan To Unbind ALL Trump Delegates…And It’s Legal!
The plan to steal the GOP nomination from Trump has never been bigger than what you are about to learn. The notion that the GOP elites are going to steal it from Trump has been loosely thrown around, but this time that is literally what they are planning to do.
Trump has to to get to 1,237 delegates on the first ballot from the floor of the Republican National Convention and while the path to that number may seem easy, you are kidding yourself if you believe that to be the case.
Fact is, even if Trump gets to 1,237 delegates, there are ways to stop him. There are ways to literally steal the nomination from Trump and they are have the help of attorneys to do it.
The Republican National Lawyers Association was held last week where about 250 attorneys met and it’s being reported that the main topic of discussion was “how to steal the GOP nomination front presumptive nominee Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention.”
Here’s what the GOP elites are discussing as we speak…
Roger Stone wrote the following:
A smaller group [of attorneys] huddled to discuss the Rules Committee of the RNC: Larry Levy, RNLA Chairman and a partner of Rudy Guiliani; Randy Evans, RNLA Chairman and national committeeman from GA; John Ryder, General Counsel of the Republican National Committee and Jim Bopp of Citizens United fame and a national committeeman from IN and former RNC Vice-Chairman. I know these guys. Bopp is a patriot but the others are insiders. They blurted out their plan of attack.
Evans alluded to something Congressman Trey Gowdy said the previous morning at the conference, about the importance Republicans place on “process.” It is true, of course, that Republicans care a great deal about the rule of law, Constitutional due process and so on. But what Evans meant is something completely different- and sinister. He said “process” is extremely important to Republicans, lawyers and thus all of us. Evans said that “process IS important,” and urged the crowd of GOP lawyers that “there is NO SUCH THING as a presumptive nominee.” Evans bluntly made the point that Trump has not won the nomination, Evans went on to say that there are many delegates in the “Never Trump” crowd and that many convention delegates will be so-minded. He also said that Speaker Paul Ryan is in this camp and that Ryan is always on the Rules Committee, and will be the Chair of the Convention in Cleveland. Evans reminded the attorneys present that the convention is governed not by Robert’s Rules of Order, but by the Rules of the House and asked rhetorically wh. ether Trump could have someone at the convention who knows House rules as well as speaker Ryan.
Evans went on to “guarantee” there would be challenges to Trump’s delegates who were from states whose delegates were not exclusively chosen by Republicans. Evans said that the challenges would be brought before the Credentials Committee, and that their ruling would come to the floor as the very first order of business. He then pointed out that Trump needs 1237 votes to win any vote, not merely a majority of those present and voting. He rhetorically asked the audience what would happen if 100, or 200, or more, delegates and their alternates could be persuaded to stay at their hotel that morning.
Think about it…why do you think Paul Ryan has refused to endorse Trump? Becuase Ryan in part of the discussion and plan to literally unbind all Trump delegates so they can vote however they would like on the very first ballot.
If this happens, the Republican party is literally finished. It’s over. Buckle up, friends…it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”