In a move that will baffle – to say nothing of outrage – many, Ted Cruz laid blame for the terror attacks in Brussels at the feet of Donald Trump.
Now one might have expected the senator from Texas to blame President Obama for his invariably weak responses to jihadist violence or European leaders for doing nothing to vet the waves of Middle Eastern migrants pouring into the continent, but blaming Trump – wow, that’s one nobody saw coming.
Attempting to articulate his reasoning for holding the GOP frontrunner responsible, Cruz observed that Trump mentioned the possibility of withdrawing the United States from NATO if he becomes president the day before the attacks. In Cruz’s mind, it is hardly coincidental that the extremists attacked Brussels, which happens to be where NATO’s headquarters are located, shortly afterwards.
Others, however, are not so likely to buy into Cruz’s line of thinking, laying blame for these terrorists acts instead where it belongs – the terrorists who committed them.
Watch Cruz’s comment on the next page:
Cruz’s low blow against Trump shows how desperate he is getting as the Republican primaries drag on. After attacking Trump’s character numerous times, the senator is undoubtedly irritated to see that, as the saying goes, you can’t stump the Trump. It’s very unfortunate that he felt the need to drag the latest victims of Islamic terrorism into his beef with the Donald.
Watch the video for yourself:
b******t thats obamas boys
What?What the hell do you mean Trump is responsible?You are really reaching.
Trump is the only person that can straighten out this country. Anyone else would be a continuing disaster of what has been going on the past 8 years. Everyone and I mean everyone needs to vote and let our voices be heard. If you don’t vote then you are contributing to the horror of what has been Going on. I blame the people that didn’t vote 4 years ago when they thought that there was no way Obama would win anyway. Democrats will try their usual cheating tactics but we need to make sure our voices don’t lie on deaf ears. If they try and take this election we will let them know who “We the people” are and who is actually in charge! No longer will these politicians be able to get rich off of our sweat and hard work. There are so many of us that are unemployed… we are loosing everything so we have nothing to loose to speak up. We need to silence these terrorist from Isis to the BLM movement. No longer will we sit and be silent!
Sounds like Trump statement>>
Social media pimps are the bigest threat to the nation nowdays. How bout stfu and stop all the gossup
WOW..Truth And Action biting on the Liberal twist as they jump on the Trump train crash! Sad how many people the DNC has brainwashed!They high jacked the RNC with Trump and Hillary it a win win for the DNC. Look at the last president the media, and people put into office.. Trump if the $$ behind government corruption and now what him in office SMH… All i can say is #Hillary 2016!
Cruz is one stupid dumb ass
Trump is done nothing to encourage
terroist to kill anybody. They have
been killing people before Trump
ever came on the scene and they
will continue killing people after
Trump is out of the picture.stop
trying to make excuses for their
actions. Everybody has a choice.
do or not do. They are responsible
for their own actions and nobody
Cruz is too stupid to think that way because Trump is not President YET ! til Nov 2016. Period . Stop nagging about Trump just be yourself if not then go home.