FBI Director James Comey has stated multiple times that Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server was not criminal. Hillary Clinton obviously agrees, but the people who work under her don’t seem so sure.
During the investigation, we saw several of her staffers seek immunity for their involvement in Clinton’s sketchy email setup. When Comey announced that he wouldn’t recommend charges against Mrs. Clinton, many assumed that her staffers were in the clear, as well.
Of course, that may not be the case. Clinton may be too big and too powerful to indict, but her staff are not. That may be why many are still choosing to seek immunity in exchange for information — if they even choose to talk at all.
Two technicians at the center of the scandal took the latter route this week.
See why they’re refusing to talk on the next page:
They just didn’t give him immunity from becoming a name in the long list if dead people who have info on Crooked Hillary and Obama . His head is on the chopping block, so to speak.
Nothing will happen to him.
He’s protecting others and maybe his own life
You may not talk but we know the answer guilty as charged
How can they do that when in service to the Nation? why don’t they get into their emails and see what went on?? put him in jail with no bond with real criminals and see how fast they sing then, If they don’t die in jail.
ARREST HIS$#%&!@*!!!!
This old gal says you are right, but the way I read it they were given immunity by congress, what I think they even more worried about his the Clinton’s Mafia. If these guys gave answers there would be a great chance that they would be the next to die from an untimely death. If you are not ready to die for your country then I guess you plead the 5th.
This POS could pass off as Snowdon’s twin. Cunton and Obuttheads are on the last stages to going martial law on AMERICA….
any one like this that takes the fifth should be indicted for criminal intent for they are hiding a criminal action.
Wow, destroying highly sensitive government documents should be a crime! Lol