Liberals are strange: they claim to be tolerant and oppose censorship, but when faced with ideas different from their own they immediately try to shut them down and keep others from hearing about them.
The irony of course, is that they have always accused conservatives of exactly this, constantly yammering about how Republicans can’t bear to hear about views different from their own. While conservatives might roll their eyes at some – or most – of the outlandish ideas bandied about by the left, they understand that they have the right to express them and communicate them to others.
But according to liberals, not only are the ideas of the right wrong, they are also dangerous and must be stamped out lest others be corrupted by them. This has been especially the case for the past year, as Democrats have pounced upon almost every utterance of GOP candidate Donald Trump.
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Teachers should be fired. Useless liberals. Is he going to teach them Hillary’s and Obama’s crimes for the last 8 years. They should have a whole week of classes on what not to do in office.
he is a muslim or a p***y
Are the allowed to do that its crazy
Not a big deal, if they want to see it they can record it. If you believe having leftist loons in our education system is something new, you’re a little behind the times.
FIRE him! WHAT is he “teaching”-How to be a Sore Loser & being a LibiTURD???
Not much of a teacher. Sadly, however, too many teachers try to push their own beliefs rather than focusing on facts.
Our schools and colleges are filled with leftists, it will never stop. They start indoctrinating our children from Kindergarten on. The higher the grade the leftist the teachers. Sad but true. Homeschooling.
Crazy! He should be fired. Personal feelings do not override citizens’ rights. What is going on here? Who is acting like dictators allowing no one to think for themselves. This must stop!
its history not muslum
Cut the class or withdraw. This guy isn’t fit to teach.