Adam Heller, an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York, has been fired for questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting online – he is now suing.
Because Heller made comments that the government may have been behind the shooting, the Bedford school district fired him after a disciplinary hearing on charges that he suffered from “mental illness.”
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it was orchestrated by the government. to see how the public would reat.
Stephen Klostermeier look at this
I’m not surprised that they want to keep him quiet. Too many people are catching on now to the fact that Sandy Hook was a hoax.
They probably all had ficticious names to begin with they moved on to other Crisis Acting jobs for the government, after the Sandy Hook hoax.
Thomas Sansavera Boston Bombing was a staged event. The guy in the wheelchair who SUPPOSEDLY got his leg blown off was a PREVIOUS amputee from the war. There are pictures of him putting on a f**e bloody, artificial leg over his old amputeed leg in the alley with people putting f**e blood all over themselves. Don’t be deceived by the Hollywood blood and props. Those people were ALL actors also.
That school had been VACANT for years and it was only used for the Sandy Hook hoax before they tore it down.
You are drinking the kool aid William. Many of us have thoroughly investigated this hoax and have found it to be completely STAGED. It was a part of a GUN CONTROL project by our government. Don’t be so gullible. They have done this many times and there will be MORE false flags in the future. Wake up and face reality. Quit watching the CONTROLLED media and do your own research. NOTHING about Sandy Hook is real. It saddens me that some people are still so easily deceived by these false flags. How many more will it take before people like you catch on ?????
Don’t be deceived by the government false flags. You will end up feeling like an idiot one day when all the lies are exposed.
The TRUTH is that it was a staged hoax. Wake up..