Adam Heller, an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York, has been fired for questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting online – he is now suing.
Because Heller made comments that the government may have been behind the shooting, the Bedford school district fired him after a disciplinary hearing on charges that he suffered from “mental illness.”
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Looks like kidnapping and false imprisonment
It all comes down to where is the money? Follow the money trail. When the school was closed down 5 yrs before the govt. Went and payed for all the house in that neighborhood on Dec. 25, 2008. On Christmas day. Check out the records at the county clerks office. The same time the school was closed.
Fired for questioning? Communism here we come.
You see how the govt swoops in and takes control of your life. We are talking about 22 cal. Not any kind of assault high power weapon. Next time keep your mouth shut
I would not be at all surprised.
Obama doesn’t want the truth to be exposed
it was a dept of Homeland security drill. long range video shows no body’s going anywhere, 3 close by countries that were supported. Obama used this as one not to well done, he was just starting his lying part of his presidentcy. special fuel powered signs arrived showing where to check in a day early. If you have half a brain and 24 hours of spot on time videotape. other places like hospitals and correnors had zero forms of any treatment forms. reporters asked
where is the biohazzard trucks to deconning the areas, cops said on tape what blood?? the odds things was the control interview area a local TV personality was laughing then from practically tearing up laughing, then the camera goes hot on to them and Mr serious was then so concerned about a live shot you could screw this up more if they tried so many montages to line. oh, many children were scene alive and well afterwords oop. don’t you watch mob relocation
It was an experiment , a test run. .. nothing more
to the teacher, American and foriegn companies have done so much coverage of this so this teacher will be a quitted with a gag order on the ammount, this cannot get out fore real! in so disgusting that we were part of this as a country cover up to try to repeal the 2 ammendment. stupid moves. real stats on a current stats show violent crimes down 51 % with concealed legal citizens and open carry witch just increased. bad guys know where the good guys are