Adam Heller, an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York, has been fired for questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting online – he is now suing.
Because Heller made comments that the government may have been behind the shooting, the Bedford school district fired him after a disciplinary hearing on charges that he suffered from “mental illness.”
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The whole thing just doesn’t add up listen to the scanner feeds so many EMS protocols were not followed autopsy reports are inconsistent It’s stinks of operation north woods
Well, we aren’t supposed to question anything. Just accept all the horrible insanity thrown at us by our government.
Greedy republican
Excuse me but don’t we still have freedom of speech?
Hope he wins.
it was false flag !!
I think children were taken away, and SAID to be dead. After all, they are gone, and not a single one was seen dead, not even by the parents.
LOL, after years, one story pops up(on a real worty site) and all the conspiricy Therorists come out of the woodwork. So because someone said they saw her at the BM, that makes it true? I’ am certainly no fan of either Bush or the current muslim in office but you whacko’s will believe anything that is opposite of what the Government says and just so you know, the definition of research is not “search the internet”. Is it possible, it would certainly take a huge amount of planning, not to mention tons of cash to pay people off, although SH was in a Liberal hotbed so money might not have been a big issue but the logistics nightmare would have been huge. Response teams (all of them) would have had to been in the plan. Instead of acting like a Liberal and believing everything you read online, start with a school like SH and make a list of every person that would have to give up their normal lives for a new life IOT make this happen. Like I said, not impossible, just improbable!
This is disgusting when It’s evil to question this.
I know people who were ther