Adam Heller, an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York, has been fired for questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting online – he is now suing.
Because Heller made comments that the government may have been behind the shooting, the Bedford school district fired him after a disciplinary hearing on charges that he suffered from “mental illness.”
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why shouldn’t it questioned when a top investigator said no one was killed and even the fbi said it was a hoax.
Put in a FOIA request for the ballistic evidence from the FBI/ATF….evidence of autopsies……etc………bet you’ll wait for yrs and yrs
I hope he wins the suit questions need to be answered
Are they hiding something? How about them “crisis actors?”
Sandy hook was f**e.
They had just gotten cameras installed in the school a week prior , why is there no footage?
I hope he gets Millions in his law Suit!
Punished for his Opinion?
I thought we were living in America!
It was a hoax by the government to scare people and it worked
They are paid actors and they do this at various events as well. They have them hide in the crowds and if you look closely you will see them there
Hoax the government set up