Adam Heller, an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York, has been fired for questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting online – he is now suing.
Because Heller made comments that the government may have been behind the shooting, the Bedford school district fired him after a disciplinary hearing on charges that he suffered from “mental illness.”
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Trust me……No one with a brain cell thinks Sandy Hook was real…Our government is manipulating ALL of America. They have shredded our Constitution and they have divided a nation. They want to indoctrinate everyone….if they don’t they will eradicate the non-indoctrinated.
It is always good to question authority!
Regardless – He is covered under the 1st Amendment!
He’ll be reeducated like Dinesh D’souza.
David Holden
He was right.
Suzie Marie it was a false shooting
uh huh.