Adam Heller, an English teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford, New York, has been fired for questioning the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting online – he is now suing.
Because Heller made comments that the government may have been behind the shooting, the Bedford school district fired him after a disciplinary hearing on charges that he suffered from “mental illness.”
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Simply put this was an attack on the true American people who believe in freedom not slavery it’s time for a real trial by real Americans who believe in real freedom treason has been being committed against us by our own politicians without punishment they are above the laws of our own land. It’s time we build our own court case and forget the BAR courtrooms they are quilty of treason and major corruption send these people packing back to Britain look up the meaning of BAR this should sicken all real Americans, let’s put together our own trial before bloodshed erupts because it will and has how many more Americans will die for central bankers and the ruling elite.
I wish they would get a credible report on this. The FBI says no one was killed at Sandy Hook and other reports say there were. Another report says that the same kids that were supposedly killed at Sandy Hook have been spotted in other areas around! Another reort says the the whole thing was a hoax by the Obama administration to help get our guns away from us. If anyone should have a creditable authenic report on this , please post it for all to see.
Dont believe the sandy hook.
Good, I hope you get the answers you’re seeking, remember that’s the Government, they’re all liars!
What happened to his Constitutional rights? Do these liberals think that we are now a Communist country where there are no rights? When hell freezes over.
Involuntarily committed? How very Sovietesque!
Many people are right there with you Mr. Heller. It is a shame that now days you get fired for voicing your opinion.
Your wrong 2 the first day