Mark Taylor, a retired firefighter and author of the popular book “The Trump Prophecies,” says indictments of criminals in the Deep State will soon cause civil unrest after the release of FBI and DOJ documents reveals collusion to frame President Trump.
Now that the Mueller investigation is over and the evidence of a large conspiracy against him laying bare for the world to see, perhaps the military tribunals that Taylor is predicting will soon begin.
“That is the start of it. That is the shot that starts the race right there, and people better be prepared. The civil unrest is going to take place initially. I don’t believe it will be from the people, but from the paid agitators from the DNC and George Soros. Eventually, it may lead into something larger once they start the mass arrests, but there are protection mechanisms in place. . . . The Deep State is kicking and screaming.”
Taylor has gained a lot of attention in the past couple of years based on his claim that God told him in April 2011 that Trump would one day be president.
“I didn’t know a lot about Donald, I just knew that he was a very powerful businessman, built this empire, and he was toying with the idea of running for president at the time. Most people thought it was a joke so I’m listening to him on an interview and all of the sudden I hear the voice of the Lord say, ‘You’re hearing the voice of a president,'” Taylor said.
Taylor went into his office and wrote down what he says the Holy Spirit told him.
“He was saying basically that America was going to prosper like never before; Israel and America, the ties between the two countries would be stronger than ever before; the dollar would be the strongest it’s ever been, it was very detailed as far as what God was showing me,” Taylor said.
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He lost me when “God spoke to him.”
God’s Hand at work, I do believe this our acountry needed a ” great housecleaning” and needed someone new – NOT a politician- to do the job!!
Trump is no Saint. He has committed Treason and other crimes. He is a racist. God is not a racist or evil nor does he do the works of Satan. If God did put trump in office it was for a rude awakening for the American people. America has turned to evil. Racism, idol worshiping, falling away from him and being a ungodly people. Trump is the peoples punishment and if America does not change its evil ways God Yahweh o’s going to bring his wrath down upon us like he did to Ancient Israel.
Obama is the racist. I believe God allowed him to become president to wake ppl up to the DC corruption and the rise of Islam in our nation. God has allowed Donald Trump to fulfill His work. America will stand by Israel and fight for her. We must be a strong nation for that to happen. We must cleanse America of its liberal radicals, democrats, progressives, Muslim’s and all others who are against America. We are a unique and wonderful nation designed by God himself.
How about you list the Treason and crimes he has committed. You gotta be one sick biased puppy.
There’s not a racist bone in Trumps body, he has proven that all his years in business and personal dealings. He has not committed treason, you are defending the evil cabal. Shame on you.
Your nuts! Trump is not a rascist! You just say that to stir trouble has done more for minorities than any other president. God uses imperfect people to do his work. Get a life and quit listening to troublemaking CNN!
President TRUMP is the good. You must be speaking of the last resident of the white house
Yes!you are beyond clueless.
Trump is the FARTHEST thing from being a racist.
Treason? I must assume one of two things to be correct; (A) You have no clue what Treason means. Or (B) You are a brain-dead Liberal zombie regurgitating the vile pabulum that has been fed to you by the MSM.
You’re a sick, uninformed, PROPAGANDIST moron. Plain and simple. Thank God for President Trump.
OMG in Heaven, can you possibly be that ignorant. I wouuld like to see your face when Obama is tried for real treason, not f**e treason.
I hat to disappoint you, but God put Donald Trump in the office of President of the United States of America.
I agree that America is far away from God and has turned to evil, we`ve become just like Sodom and Gomorrah, but lets put the blame where it belongs. It`s the sin of deceived people and politicians and we will pay a dear price for it. We must vote the evil liberals out of office.
Wake up America before Christ comes back for His Bride!
You are ignorant if you think President Trump is racist. Please. Do some research before you follow the crowd and spew lies and hatred.
President Trump is a good man ! He is deliver from God !!
Name something Racist Trump has done. Or STFU til you have some facts you can back up
You must mean Obama, I know you’re mixed up.
Oh gawd all you can do is slander Trump you absolutely can not name one instance of Trump commiting treason you can not name one act of racism Trump has done or said not one so in keeping with the dem talking points you just keep saying Trumps a racist, Trumps a liar and as fricking usual very short on specifics.
God sent TRUMP to clean up satan’s mess, obama and his followers are still trying to ruin our nation. Wake up. God has always used our country to right evil in the world and now that we are being attacked from within he will soon set things right.
You must NOT know your bible very well….God has ALWAYS used some of the most IMPERFECT people to deliver his messages and carry out his plans.
What a ignorant comment. Trump has done more for Christians than any other President. The fact that he is pro Israel always gets God’s attention. I can side with Mark Taylor. The Holy Spirit has assured me that Trump has been called by God to take down the criminal cabal. Robin you are spiritually blind. The wrath is about the fall on the criminal cabal Republicans and Democrats who are criminals.
God used many unexpected men in the Bible, look at David. God loves us all and if he were looking for a perfect person there would be no one to pick from.
Please tell what treason he has committed because the.left has been trying for 3.5 years and not been able to find any proof, so if you have it you should give it to Schiff! Haha
Mark Taylor – America, America: Judgment of Illuminati, ISIS, El Chappo, & Building of the Wall
October 7, 2015
The Spirit of God says, “America, America, oh how I love thee! America, America, oh how I have chosen thee!”
“For as England was to the D-Day invasion, so shall America be for my end time harvest. For England was the Headquarters, the hub from which the D-Day assault was launched, so shall it be for My America for the end time harvest.”
“For as England had men, women, equipment, food, money, weapons, and supplies of all kinds which poured in from all over the world, so shall all these things pour into My chosen America.”
“America I have chosen you as the launching platform for the worldwide assault on the spiritually oppressed peoples of the earth. People will say how are we chosen? It’s as if America is frozen.”
“Am I not the God of the universe and all of creation? I have heard the cries of my people that have sought my face, and I WILL HEAL THEIR NATION! People will ask how will I do this. I shall do this in two parts.”
First- The Spirit of God says! “Army of God, come out of the darkness! I COMMAND YOU TO ARISE AND TAKE YOUR PLACE! For I have given you extra time, mercy and grace. Go, Go, Go, do not slow down. Begin to take and hold your ground, for there is no more time to waste.”
“America will once again be the great light.”
The enemy will say, “Oh the Light, the Light it shines so bright, there is nothing else left to do but take flight.” “And indeed they will. The sign will be, a mass exodus in the natural as the spiritual flee.”
Second- The Spirit of God says, “The gatekeeper, the gatekeeper, the President of the United States is the spiritual gate keeper. I have chosen this man Donald Trump and anointed him as President for such a time as this.”
“Can you not see this? For even in his name, Donald-meaning world leader, (spiritual connotation-faithful). Trump-meaning to get the better of, or to outrank or defeat someone or something often in a highly public way. This man I have chosen will be a faithful world leader, and together with my army, will defeat all of America’s enemies in the spiritual and in the natural.”
“You will see it manifest before your eyes. I will use this man to shut gates, doors, and portals that this past president has opened. He will open gates, doors, and portals this past president has shut.”
“My army shall not be silenced; they will begin to see he is the one I have chosen. They will begin to rally around him and keep him covered in spiritual support, and as you gain ground they will say America is not frozen.”
“The seeds, the seeds, why is no one asking about the seeds? What about all the seeds America has sown since her birth? America has never received her harvest. For I will use President Trump and my army to bring back to America all that she has sown. This will be used for my harvest.”
“America will prosper like never before in her history as a nation.”
“All of the financial seeds you have sown around the world, food, clothing, 90 percent of my gospel that has gone throughout the earth, has come from My chosen America.”
“Her blood has been spilled on foreign soil to free the oppressed so that my gospel could go forward. America your harvest is here! It shall parallel with your spiritual harvest in the natural, so do not fear.”
The Spirit of God says, “The border, the border, is a 2,000 mile gate, that’s flowing across with demonic hate. I will use my President to shut this gate and seal it shut. It must be shut. Then I will use him and my army to root out evil structures that are still there, to the point that the government will begin to call on my army. They will prophetically locate these structures so they may be dismantled before any evil can take place.”
“Opec, Opec, take a hike, for I am tired of your evil energy spikes. When my President takes office you will shake and quake, you will say America no longer needs us and that is true, for she will be energy independent for my red, white and blue. For a sign will be given when prices go low, for a gallon of gas will be one dollar and below.”
The Spirit of God says, “THE SUPREME COURT SHALL LOSE THREE, and my President shall pick NEW ONES directly from MY TREE!”
“Are you still not convinced that he’s my anointed, and that he’s the one I have appointed? Why can no one figure it out, the news media, the people, and the so-called wise? Why, when he’s attacked, do his poll numbers rise? Those who attack him, their numbers go low, even to the point of a big fat zero. It’s simple to see, this man I have appointed, for in my word, is your answer. I said ‘do not touch my anointed, especially my prophets’.”
“If are still not convinced about what my word says, another sign will be given. It will be a WARNING TO ALL, especially those who will NOT LISTEN.”
The Spirit of God says, “The sign will be El-Chappo, El-Chappo, your evil reign has come to an end. Who do you think you are attacking my anointed? Turn yourself in and repent and I will spare you. If you do not, you and those that follow you will surely die a very public death for the entire world to see.”
“For NO ONE TOUCHES my anointed.”
“I the Lord am an all seeing and all knowing God. I will be the one to disclose your location, the den that you and your vipers hide in. For time is short and the spirit of death is at your door, and the world will see your dead body and the red shirt you wore.”
6-12-16 Shatter and Scatter
The Spirit of God says, “The Illuminati and lSlS have merged and are attacking the pulse of this nation, for they are responsible for the list of assassinations. For the New World Order is shaking and quaking, for they will go down in flames a blazing. For they are trying to kill this nation before my chosen one takes office through depopulation, finances, and assassination. My army, my intercessors, arise and take the fight to the enemy, stop the assassinations, stop the attacks to the pulse of this nation.”
The Spirit of God says, “The Illuminati, I the Lord God shall expose the Illuminati because of who they want to be. They shall say we will be the world leaders like a shot. Not so fast, for I the Lord God will shatter you like a clay pot. Shattered and scattered my wind will send you back to the one who sent you. For you think you are wise craving power, money, and the prize. You so called wise have been fooled by the lust and the lure of the prize to the point that the one who sent you now seeks his payment, and this too you will soon realize. For your days are numbered and short, Woe to you when you have to stand before him and report. For this will be for all to see for when you serve the god of this world it will bring you low. Repent or you shall be cast into the fire below.”
The Spirit of God says, “Why do the prophets of doom and gloom keep saying that this is the end? For they are misreading the season of time we are in. For those that keep speaking this with words that bend, are aiding the enemy making the people lay down their arms, give up, lose hope, stop fighting and saying, ‘we will just ride this out to the end.’”
For you are NEVER TO STOP FIGHTING OR LAY DOWN YOUR ARMS for any reason. Stop listening to those who commit spiritual treason. For life and death are in the POWER OF THE TONGUE for this treasonous talk is even affecting the young. STOP AIDING THE ENEMY and start talking about what I the Lord God and my Army are going to do. Grab the enemy by the throat and make him fluster. Look him in the eyes and say, “ls that all you can muster?” Choose this day whom you will serve, for I have GIVEN YOU THE VICTORY and the choice is yours. Your Supreme Commander, God.”
2-24-16 Do not fear America
The Spirit of God says, “Why do I sense fear in my people about the future of America? Have I not said that, ‘l have heard your cries and will heal your land?’ STAND FIRM, DO NOT FALTER, PUT ON THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD! RAKE THE ENEMY OVER THE COALS, for the end time battle is on for my 1 billion souls!”
The Spirit of God says, “Do not fear that my servant Justice Scalia has been taken, for some are crying out, why have I forsaken. For I will show myself strong to prove that the so-called wise are wrong. For some will say that this is a miracle, for I am just getting started, this is not even close to the pinnacle, for what I am going to do with My America.”
Who is God Yahweh?
blah blah blah. you wish
Mark is an end time Prophet
On on Carter lives in la la land … What treason did trump commit? How is he a racist? Because the lame stream media told you so? Get a life loser
Robin Carter lives in la la land … What treason did trump commit? How is he a racist? Because the lame stream media told you so? Get a life loser. Your god, satan, isn’t going to bring the wrath on no one
Thank god for donald trump amen
Trump is the bet Presidential leader in all of my 66yrs. Hes not perfect but hes the right man(chosen by God) to lead our country. God Bless Him and his family.