It would appear that the Catholic church is on the verge of another schism, like the one that happened in 1054. This one, however, doesn’t revolve around a division between Eastern and Western practices, but instead around tradition and compromises. Anybody who’s been following Pope Francis’s visit to America, or his career in general, can tell you that he might be the most progressive pope the world has ever seen. This is more than obvious in his stances on political issues such as climate change, gun control, the death penalty and racial injustice.
Do your research and homework administrator of this site, people like you love to promote false propaganda and erroneous information on humble, loving people like the Pope ( the successor to St. Peter )
Long live His Catholic Church! The only true church founded on St Peter the Rock, built by Jesus Christ Himself 🙂
Sorry but the true Church began on the day of pentecost in the upper room. Peter preached and told the people what to do to be saved. Acts 2:38 . He preached repentance and water baptism in the name of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Your catholic encyclopedia will verify that even the catholic church used to baptize the same way. Your catholic encyclopedia will also verify the doctrine of ” trinity ” did not come about til the council of niceae over 300 yrs after the true chuch that Jesus started. It will also verify the pope signed a concordate with$#%&!@*in i believe 1937 placing him in charge of the catholic church in that region.$#%&!@*was also known as The Great Inquisitor. Catholics also like to teach that Peter was the first pope. Yet Peter never preached in Rome. Paul was the apostle to the gentiles. When all is said and done. The cathoic church does not preach or teach what Peter or Paul said to preach. There is a scripture to take care of that error. Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
Sorry but the true Church began on the day of pentecost in the upper room. Peter preached and told the people what to do to be saved. Acts 2:38 . He preached repentance and water baptism in the name of Jesus and the infilling of the Holy Ghost. Your catholic encyclopedia will verify that even the catholic church used to baptize the same way. Your catholic encyclopedia will also verify the doctrine of ” trinity ” did not come about til the council of niceae over 300 yrs after the true chuch that Jesus started. It will also verify the pope signed a concordate with$#%&!@*in i believe 1937 placing him in charge of the catholic church in that region.$#%&!@*was also known as The Great Inquisitor. Catholics also like to teach that Peter was the first pope. Yet Peter never preached in Rome. Paul was the apostle to the gentiles. When all is said and done. The cathoic church does not preach or teach what Peter or Paul said to preach. There is a scripture to take care of that error. Galatians 1:8
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
To your mind, how many centuries did it take for the Church founded by the Son of God to drag itself out of error? Exactly which of the hundreds of Protestant denominations carries the Truth nowadays?
Greg Richard. You are so correct I’ll not rerun this but that’s just as I’ve read it in books there’s a number of things that differ so. Mostly the Bible!
Have even conversed with catholic friends that know that but just do it cause the priest or pope sad. Each to his own.
The pope is more commie than he wants the people to know. But his actions and statements give him away. It was a dark day for the church when he was elected to his positition.
Because he is evil as well
i did not read the article, but Thomas Merton was certainly no Communist. It was likely precisely his opposition to Communism which got him killed. His death was ruled an accident, but he had just made anti-Communist statements in Thailand during the Vietnam War, and promised more that night. He was found in his bathtub electrocuted with a fan which had “fallen” in.
This Pope is not “progressive”. He is a Communist, pure and simple.
Not the first time.