Take A Look At the Commies The Pope Praises

If you need a recap of the Pope’s visit to America, he basically added fuel to the wildfires already started by liberals. His left-leaning tendencies are the reason the Catholic Church might be close to another schism. There’s also the fact that during his address to Congress, he praised known communists and promoted a Marxist agenda.

Basically, Pope Francis is attempting what the Soviet Union could not manage to pull off in the past, and that’s to forcibly convert the US to Communist ideology.

The United States’ largest lay-run apostolates, called Catholic Answers, whose mission statement is to “help good Catholics become better Catholics,” describes Thomas Merton (1915–1968), as a womanizer, and member of the Young Communist League. Thomas Merton also fathered a child, (he was a Trappist monk, but some people also describe him as a Zen Buddhist.)

In the last year of his life, he wrote in his journal while traveling through Asia:

Last night I dreamed I was, temporarily, back at Gethsemani. I was dressed in a Buddhist monk’s habit, but with more black and red and gold, a “Zen habit,” in color more Tibetan than Zen . . . I met some women in the corridor, visitors and students of Asian religion, to whom I was explaining I was a kind of Zen monk and Gelugpa together, when I woke up. (Asian Journal, 107)

Let me remind you that Merton is supposed to be a Catholic monk not a Zen Buddhist, but Pope Francis believes that we should all honor that added value in his One World Religion set up. In fact, he did not mention Jesus once in his speech to Congress, but he mentioned Moses, who is recognized as Prophet by all three Abrahamic religions.

Pope Francis’ other choice, Dorothy Day, does not seem to be any better. David Ripe for the Catholic Media Coalition wrote this about Dorothy Day in 2012, when the American bishops unanimously backed the advancement of the cause of Dorothy Day through the process leading to sainthood:

“while she has the unanimous support of the bishops, Day is a controversial figure among many rank and file Catholics who do not consider her an acceptable role model. For them, she exemplifies the archetypal “liberal Catholic” or “social justice Catholic.” These terms refer to individuals who are often disposed to try to change the Church in various ways and who are strongly animated and influenced by left-leaning political ideology. Many such Catholics became emboldened following Vatican II and made chimerical interpretations of its documents.”

The separation between the church and government is growing thin, these days. If those who promote the liberal agenda believe they have God on their side, there’s no telling what kind of atrocities they’ll commit.

Source: infowars.com




  1. Muttley

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