It would appear that the Catholic church is on the verge of another schism, like the one that happened in 1054. This one, however, doesn’t revolve around a division between Eastern and Western practices, but instead around tradition and compromises. Anybody who’s been following Pope Francis’s visit to America, or his career in general, can tell you that he might be the most progressive pope the world has ever seen. This is more than obvious in his stances on political issues such as climate change, gun control, the death penalty and racial injustice.
I try not to be too abrasive but the truth is the truth . If i had never heard the truth , how would i know ? The apostle Paul said it all in Galatians 1:8. If its not what the apostles taught , its not right. I dont want to be accursed.
Greg Richard, you are very confused brother, please learn true history before commenting false propaganda
Bear false witness much, bro?
Greg Richard, the church agrees and teaches what you are saying in the beginning of your paragraph for over 2000years. Now you twisted things with the Pope being in with$#%&!@* Those are Protestant denominations misconceptions. And yes, you have it right, the Church did receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, but that church you are talking about is the Catholic Church. And yes, we totally agree with you on Galatians 1:8, so why are you going against the Scripture and our Lord and Savior’s true Church, the Catholic Church! we have been preaching that exact verse since the days of the disciples. So the burden is on you and all the Protestant denominations, why are you not following what Galatians 1 : 8 says! And remember, the Pope is the successor to St Peter, do your homework before you erroneously preach false propaganda.
Mike. You are sadly mistaken. It is written in the catholic encyclopedia.. It is the catholic church that is teaching false doctrine. Peter was not the first pope. He never preached in Rome. That is a lie the catholic church teaches. Paul was the apostle to the gentiles. The epistle to the Romans was by Paul. In fact most of the epistles were by Paul. Peter was the apostle to the Jews. In fact Paul rebuked Peter to his face because of his unwillingness to preach to anyone but the Jews. That isnt in a history book. Its in THE BIBLE.. The trinitarian doctrine did not come about till the COUNCIL OF NICEAE over 300 yrs after the True Apostolic Church was born. The APOSTOLIC doctrine is the only true doctrine. As said in Galations 1:8. You are the one that needs to do the research. I have been studying for over 35 yrs. Since God led me out of catholicism . I have spent months talking to priests that cannot give answer for why the catholic church left the teachings of the apostles. Would you care to explain why the catholic church left the teachings of the apostles ?
The catholic encyclopedia also shows that the catholic church left the teachings of Peter about baptism. Baptism was to be by emersion in water in the NAME OF JESUS. Not by sprinkling water on an infants head in the titles father , son and Holy Spirit. According to the apostles , baptism was to follow repentance. Tell me how can an infant repent ?
They do not have God on their side!!
How do you as a catholic justify what the pope said ?