There appears to be no mention in the mainstream media about this being a gay pride event, possibly due media censorship – as a country Taiwan is still very closed to homosexuality. The leftist American mainstream news also seems to also be reluctant to report that this was a gay pride event celebrating the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage reached last week.
NaturalNews points out, however, that the event had a gay corporate sponsor,
While the U.S. mainstream media is too ashamed to admit this event was a gay pride celebration, Asian media outlets have no problem pointing out the obvious. As this news link from Malaysia reports, “The U.S. government has just recognized gay marriage, and this allows gay people all around the world to see the coming promise, leading the large-scale celebrations. New Taipei City in Taiwan, Ba-Xian Water Park hosted a ‘rainbow party’ this past Saturday. Unfortunately, there was a tragic event of a massive explosion, causing many people to be burned. It is currently estimated that at least 458 people are injured, and some of them have critical injuries.”
Similarly, the website, covering Taiwan and Macau, reports, “The ‘rainbow party’ held in New Taipei City, is inspired by the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court of June 26th, which determined that gay marriage is legal in the 50 United States. Legalizing gay marriage was not only celebrated in the U.S., it also inspired gay and lesbians all around the world to celebrate.”
UPDATE: Under intense public pressure, Nanzao has now retroactively altered their original news report, claiming the rainbow party was NOT tied in any way to a gay pride celebration.
UPDATE: Trolls and haters on social media are hilariously taking issue with the phrases “burned alive” and “Biblical-scale” used in the title of this story. The contrived outrage is absurd but also highly reflective of the very same kind of mob mentality we see ruling society these days. “Burned alive” means being burned while you are alive, which is precisely what this video shows and exactly what happened. People were alive and being burned while running for safety. They were not burned DEAD, they were burned ALIVE as they tried to escape. If I wanted to report they were burned DEAD, I would have used the phrase, “Burned to DEATH.” However, in order to avoid people misinterpreting the words, I have updated the title to change “burned alive” to “engulfed in flames.” Hopefully, people will be able to understand what “engulfed in flames” means, or else I may have to turn this website into a dictionary. Secondly, the phrase “Biblical-scale” means “really, really big” which is precisely what we see in this video. Apparently, haters can’t even stand the sight of the word “Biblical” when it’s used as part of an adjective for a very large catastrophe in which innocent people were harmed. “Biblical-scale” is an adjective of size, nothing more. Case closed.
The Natural News Taiwan office has given us exclusive information concerning this event which is not being reported elsewhere in the western media:
• Over 600 500 people (corrected to 500 with new information) were injured in the firestorm, not the 200 or so being mentioned in the media. Local hospitals are completely overrun with burn victims, and some victims with less severe burns were turned away from hospitals.
• There is no common knowledge among Taiwan citizens — who are almost all urban city dwellers — that dispersed metallic particles can easily ignite in the air. Although this knowledge is very common in the Midwest of the USA, for example, where grain elevators must be on constant alert to prevent grain explosions, nobody in Taiwan seemed to have any knowledge that this could happen. That clouds of metallic glitter particles could spontaneously ignite was a complete surprise to most Taiwanese, even after the event took place.
• The event was planned as a celebration of gay marriage legalization around the world. It was not heavily promoted as a “gay pride” event because being openly gay is not widely accepted in Taiwan society (which is still culturally quite conservative as far as family values go). Instead, the event was promoted using the key word “rainbow,” the universal global symbol associated with gay pride.
• The very glitter that ignited and rained fire down upon the hundreds of youth attending the gay pride party was colored with the same hues as the rainbow. FACT: Many color pigment chemicals are made using metals which can ignite when dispersed into tiny particles and subjected to an ignition source. Magnesium shavings, for example, are a common ingredient in fire starting devices used by preppers. Personally, I find it astonishing that there are people in this world who still don’t know metals can ignite and burn.
• UPDATE: Personal lighters were found at the scene, and Taiwanese investigators now believe these lighters were the source of ignition.
• UPDATE: Not every person at the event was gay, of course. The event was promoted as a “color play / rainbow” event, which is universally associated with gay pride. Natural News is being told that some people attending the event were not aware of the connection between “rainbow” and “gay,” although most youth in today’s connected society are completely aware of this universal symbolism.
Video shows fire raining down upon hundreds of partygoers
Here’s a look at the rainbow banners promoting the event. The “gay pride” aspect of the event is not overtly pushed due to the more conservative family culture of Taiwan:
Here’s a still image from the rainbow event promotional video, showing the rainbow colors in the logo, and the “sperm” logo of one of the event sponsors (see the sperm logo on the far left):
This RT video shows the event tragedy unfolding:
The concert saw hundreds of youth celebrating gay pride with music and dancing:
Rainbow-colored special effects were launched into and above the crowd, to “shower the partygoers” in the colors of the gay pride rainbow:
Due to the laws of physics, the dispersal of the colored glitter material (full of flammable metals) combined with oxygen in the air and a small ignition source (probably someone’s cigarette lighter) to ignite the rainbow glitter into a massive fireball:
The fire rapidly exploded almost like a fuel-air bomb, engulfing the entire scene:
Hundreds of students were engulfed in flames as they desperately tried to escape the raining down of fire upon their heads. Their clothing ignited, and many partygoers experienced third-degree burns over 80 percent of their bodies. You can see the silhouette shapes of the students in this frame as they are being burned while still alive, desperately trying to scramble away from the engulfing flames:
As the fire engulfed the partygoers, many fell to the ground where they burned until the flames had no more fuel.
Sponsored by gay corporate sponsors
It’s abundantly clear that the Taiwan gay pride “rainbow” event was sponsored by gay advocacy organizations. This link, of course, is being vehemently denied in the mainstream media, which does not want to link gay pride events to a catastrophe that harmed hundreds of people. I’m still not sure why there’s such a desperate effort to try to deny that this was a gay pride event when it clearly was.
The facts are undeniable and irrefutable. Of course the event was a “gay pride” event. It was sponsored with the logo of a sperm, from a gay male apparel company.
A closer look at the sperm logo reveals it to be a corporate sponsor called New Urban Male which features gay models promoting clothing fashions:
New Urban Male Taiwan, a key corporate sponsor of the event, features a Facebook page with a rainbow teddy bear and a “Love Wins” balloon, along with gay men in a headlock, wearing fashionable underwear. The “love wins” hashtag is what’s being widely circulated in the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage nationwide.
How does a water park burn???
Of maybe George Bush
Crime against nature – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The crime against nature or unnatural act has been a legal term in English-speaking states for forms of sexual behavior not considered natural and seen as punishable offenses.[1] Sexual practices that have historically been considered to be “crimes against nature” include $#%&!@* sex[2] and $#%&!@*.…
These are the filth the supreme court supports.