A short film has been released documenting the distress and sense of betrayal felt by Syrian women and families, abandoned by the men who have migrated to Europe amid the civil war. It reveals a lot about what we already know regarding the Islamist invaders.
In the film, made by Citizen Journalism platform On The Ground (OGN), journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem visits a refugee camp in Syria, “because I wanted to get some of the opinions of some of the people that are here regarding the refugees who are flooding into Europe and other nations,” he says. See his results on the next page:
Good then there will be no more reproduction of these filthy savages.
imagine that
But I’m sure there is plenty of dumb as western women willing to bread with them coward Muslims.
There terrorists not refugees
They All need to be put into camps until they can return home !!!
may be war will help women to take control- as in was during wwII when men went to war women started to work and here emancipation started.
Guess someone forgot to tell the men that they’d forgotten their families….on the “migration” as “refugees”………….
But that’s what Muslim men do.
This is all obama’s doing !!!
But honey… we have the world to invade…