A short film has been released documenting the distress and sense of betrayal felt by Syrian women and families, abandoned by the men who have migrated to Europe amid the civil war. It reveals a lot about what we already know regarding the Islamist invaders.
In the film, made by Citizen Journalism platform On The Ground (OGN), journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem visits a refugee camp in Syria, “because I wanted to get some of the opinions of some of the people that are here regarding the refugees who are flooding into Europe and other nations,” he says. See his results on the next page:
Aloha snackbar
Trump mentioned he thought it sounded more like an army? Could he be right?
Not sure what she’s whining about. The men who are abandoning them are the ones who beat them, so they’re in better shape without them.
They’re Muslims, what do you expect? They’re cowards by faith
She is right they should stay and fight I’m going to if they bring the fight here!!
That was to be expected. They have no thoughts about cheating on their women, raping them, disfiguring them and even stoning them for some stupid ancient BS. Here we have a 3rd World Society, insisting and demanding from a Modern Day Society, on what we can and can’t do. It’s time these women get a backbone and demand equal rights. If they want respect then demand it from their men.
This is what Obama is bringing to America and it should outrage ALL American’s. This is about TOTAL transformation of America! Did you ever ask why? What is the purpose of bringing all of these refugees? Obama doesn’t care about us. He looks at us as dumb and foolish people and he takes advantage of our kindness. The refugee resettlement is a scam on us. It’s a racket created by OUR government and appeased by religious leaders as a treasury chest. Follow the money straight to your local church that says for humanitarian reasons they will sponsor hundreds. Better question that. Each refugee has a dollar amount on their head. HUGE money! Religious and secular organizations receive payment courtesy of the American taxpayer! They sit in their ivory towers while they watch the literal destruction of OUR country. Refugee resettlement as currently structured is Cloward Piven on steroids. It is literally an agenda to erase America. The humane thing to do is to relocate them to countries near their homelands rather the U.S. where cultures would be more compatible and the costs of supporting them much less. But that isn’t their agenda!! This isn’t about compassion. It’s about $$$ and Democrat votes! You can thank lobbyists and non-profits for this mess too because they beg for more refugees. Wake the HELL up America!! 200K Muslim refugees. REALLY???? Trump 2016 to end this American nightmare!!!
It’s a f**e act, they know that their men came here to kill and destroy Christian’s
Muslims don’t come from the home of the BRAVE