Muslim refugees have already devastated communities across Europe. They’ve vandalized local towns, spiked crime rates, and raised terror threats across western Europe. But what about their effect on government?
Apparently, they’re draining their coffers, as well.
Since overwhelming the region last year, many refugees have managed to obtain hundreds of thousands of dollars in local entitlements — much more than even the average citizen.
Still, Europe continues to accept these so-called “asylum-seekers” with reckless abandon. And considering these refugees are being welcomed with hundreds of thousands of dollars in free money, they’re not likely to stop any time soon.
The migration crisis is set to continue for the foreseeable future, and the European Union has no one to blame but itself. They created the policies that began their own destruction, and they refuse to backtrack now that the damage is being done.
See how one Syrian refugee managed to use his multiple wives to collect hundreds of thousands from Germany on the next page:
isn’t THAT special
Benifets should stop at average middle class income
WELCOME to Obama’s “Changed” America!!!!
Are you “Open Border ” suck-ups still favoring letting these leeches into our country to bleed our Welfare Systeem dry?
Have them give it back
This is what Hillary will do to us.we must stop the fleecing of America…No to the Rape-U-Gees…No one should be able to come to America and be put on welfare as a job.this is insane.we are 20 trillion in debt ….
That is b******t
Yes we can deport all of them
Deport all of them now!
This is a criminal act. It is so wrong.