With all of the controversy surrounding the immigration of Syrian refugees into America, people are forgetting to ask some pretty important questions. For starters, what diseases could these refugees be carrying that could pose a danger to health of American citizens.
While President Obama and his administration of carrion birds assures us that their health screening process is thorough, what makes him think that American doctors know anything about what diseases people coming here from across the world might be carrying?
Health agencies confirmed this week that Syrian refugees have transported leishmaniasis to Lebanon and Turkey. Yes, that’s still pretty far away from the United States, but let’s not forget that the refugees that are entering Lebanon and Turkey and the ones being admitted into the U.S. are from the same place.
To make the problem worse, those afflicted by this disease can be infected for weeks, months or even years without showing any symptoms. If you think that’s bad, wait until you find out what the disease is.
Find out what the disease is on the next page.
Excuse me we already had the flesh eating virus here. Christians need to study their own vile bloodshed on others of non-Christian beliefs and to each other from the beginning. Always remembering that the first pope was a ceased of Rome and wore Roman armor. Christians remember Mary Tudor go back through time and study the horror and terror of your own religion as your Christmas said “you without sin,cast the first stone” forgot that ditty didn’t you Dennis Hicks. So use your vile words on your own Christian beliefs and keep them. Try getting the cure from vile belief system of all religions. Freedom from religion foundation ffrf.org
Ceaser,of rome!!
As your Jesus tried to teach you Christians but failed,”ye without sin,cast the first stone”
Forgot that one didn’t you christians. Yup you don’t follow what you don’t like. You follow what you do like. That’s not a religion,it’s a CULT!
Anyone that has this disease should be shot on sight for being a bio-weapon.
again why we have immigration laws
Thank you ,obama may your goodwill spread to you an your wife!!!
There were already cases if that in Florida and along the coast ! We do not need anyone bringing more disease into this country! Politicians are afraid they will offend someone by doing their jobs the way they should ! If it is coming from Syria , keep them out !