With all of the controversy surrounding the immigration of Syrian refugees into America, people are forgetting to ask some pretty important questions. For starters, what diseases could these refugees be carrying that could pose a danger to health of American citizens.
While President Obama and his administration of carrion birds assures us that their health screening process is thorough, what makes him think that American doctors know anything about what diseases people coming here from across the world might be carrying?
Health agencies confirmed this week that Syrian refugees have transported leishmaniasis to Lebanon and Turkey. Yes, that’s still pretty far away from the United States, but let’s not forget that the refugees that are entering Lebanon and Turkey and the ones being admitted into the U.S. are from the same place.
To make the problem worse, those afflicted by this disease can be infected for weeks, months or even years without showing any symptoms. If you think that’s bad, wait until you find out what the disease is.
Find out what the disease is on the next page.
your statement says you clearly know nothing of sabbateans and you don’t care either. how am i a muzzy lover when i’m trying to expose jews who preach the koran?
Not sure what you are talking about for my 1611 King James BIBLE is GOD’S Spiritual prophetic word !!! And if you want to know what’s happening read and meditate on it in the Spirit !!! And GOD will show you !!!
I thought they were using safe sex now they done caught something
Hailey Nicole Goughnour every plan has a reason. They couldnt let Cat Stevens come back in 04. Man who wrote beautiful music. We shouldnt have bombed them in the first place and theyd have fresh water. Its hard to tell which ones are radical. Its not like the radicals wear eyepatches. We need to fix this countrys internal issues before we allow more people in. Thats just like my opinion man.
Could this be part of Hussin Obama’s master plan?!
Syrian Herpes! Get him a room at the white house
thank you democrats.
Send then to the Wh, they want them, they can have them
That’s why they need to be vetted, quarantine, tested to make sure they r not bringin in diseases.. this has been in place but not enforced
Now, that’s all we need with TB- whooping cough, measles, mumps, perverts, druggies, drug deallers, gans, and God only knows what else across our norders.