With all of the controversy surrounding the immigration of Syrian refugees into America, people are forgetting to ask some pretty important questions. For starters, what diseases could these refugees be carrying that could pose a danger to health of American citizens.
While President Obama and his administration of carrion birds assures us that their health screening process is thorough, what makes him think that American doctors know anything about what diseases people coming here from across the world might be carrying?
Health agencies confirmed this week that Syrian refugees have transported leishmaniasis to Lebanon and Turkey. Yes, that’s still pretty far away from the United States, but let’s not forget that the refugees that are entering Lebanon and Turkey and the ones being admitted into the U.S. are from the same place.
To make the problem worse, those afflicted by this disease can be infected for weeks, months or even years without showing any symptoms. If you think that’s bad, wait until you find out what the disease is.
Find out what the disease is on the next page.
Thanks a lot obama
you just know, no invader is going to be held for a blood test to clear them….. This is treason to knowingly introduce a deadly disease into the USA.
just one more “perc” we get from obummer
I know. Disgusting! !
In my grand parents time, they stayed on Ellis Island, and sent back, if found to be diseased. What happened to common sense?
REVELATION 16.1,2. 1. And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. 2. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. isis the islamic muslim terrorist group have a flesh eating disease managing through their ranks !!! That’s the first vial from GOD poured out upon earth !!! And that means the tribulation period has already begun !!!
islam is the beast of the BIBLE !!! If you bow to it you will burn in hell !!!
this is biological warfare gone awry
it’s interesting. the beast of the koran is jesus’ general michael
islamic muslims are looking for the 12th imam to come rule the world and kill Jews and Christians !!! We Christians know that the 12th imam is the anti christ !!!