Rebel Syrian forces fighting the Islamic State surprised the world today in a video featuring the fighters’ treatment of ISIS prisoners.
Deliberately echoing the chilling nature of the infamous execution videos filmed and released to social media by ISIS, the Levant Front, a coalition of various Syrian rebel militias, marched out a column of orange-clad prisoners captured in combat with the jihadist group. The prisoners were led out by masked men and forced to kneel before a waiting row of guns, which the masked men picked up and held to the head of the ISIS prisoners. Just when it seemed the rebels were about to exact the fate on the prisoners that they had inflicted on many others, they withdrew their firearms and pulled off their masks. The message was clear: the Levant Front would not fight like ISIS.
Turn to the next page to learn more about this shocking video:
Well that’s a huge mistake, show no mercy to the scumbags scourge of the earth
Then stay in your own country fight for your own liberties
an eye for an eye
Big mistake! They’ll be carrying assault rifles and killing more innocent people in the most brutal manners ever again in no time! Should have put a slug in every one of their brains and left them there to twitch, bleed out and die just like they do to Christians from all over the world!!!
And the list goes on…
Judy Rhinehart Mathews and more power to em
Ii wlda shot one, dragged one behind a car, threw one off a building, bazookad one, drowned one, burned one, tied an I e d necklace on one, ran one over with a tank. They are all about torture to ppl…this is what they’ve done……fuk yeah. In the end a dose of their own medicine n DEAD.
These dysfunctional democrat politicians continue to support this terrorism! Come on election day! And some americans want these beliefs in America ! Unbelievable
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