In what looks like a disturbing trend to western people, another child rape story involving “refugees” has surfaced.
This time in Norway.
The reality is this is no trend. In many Islamic countries, the rape of boys is business as usual. Rape is a cultural norm across nations in that region and the west has been in denial.
While some of the victims speak out more and more, the amount of crimes perpetrated suggests a lack of will to prosecute by the many governments overseeing the Islamic world. When men who are allowed to behave like this are brought into the west with our libertine mores, we are offering them a smorgasbord of perverted opportunities.
A Green Beret was recently punished for coming to the rescue of a boy who was being raped by an Afghan police commander. Was there outrage in the mainstream media? Never, highlighting such behavior will ruin President Obama’s future voter import program also known as “taking in refugees.”
The incident in Norway is a reflection of it’s perpetrator’s native culture.
See the next page for details on Norway refugee rapists
If or when that happens in America us Americans will hunt down every last one ambitiously dispose of them
Islamic ideology and hostile culture are they only ones allow pedophile and rapists.
They are a serious risk for children’s human rights.
Send that sick pigs back to Syria.
AND this is what ob ama, kerry, reid, pelosi and dems/libs want to bring MORE of into YOUR country! I would think, by now, more dems/libs would realize that ob ama doesn’t give a DAMN about them, either!
Rabid animals are put down.
They rape anything their penis will fit into. It is time to induce involuntary castration.
She must have looked sexy and smelt good. These fckers are going to get themselves shot.
But they are all peaceful. What a joke Obama is telling us that c**p.
Disgrace to humanity
In case you all aren’t aware, the Refugee Relocation and Placement Program is mandated by the UN and carried out by the Countries who have agreed to comply with UN mandates. The UN also does the so called Vetting.
These so called refugees, aren’t refugees by any standard that really defines a refugee. And isn’t odd that Saudi Arabia and other Muslim Countries aren’t taking these so called refugees. Its been determined that most of those being brought in to various Countries, are African Muslims, the nastious of the nastys. Now ask yourself why are they even in Syria? Because it’s the Jumping Off Point to All Destinations throughout the World. Their whole purpose has been along to infilrate governments and create chaos in Countries to eventually dominate the populations into submission. Europe citizens being lightly or unarmed, has made this easy pickings for the Muslim. America is a whole different bowl of wax, we are armed and I believe we have the will and laws to stay armed. Really pisses the muzzie in the White House off! America has to stay on top of protecting Americas Interest and quit allowing the division among our peoples.
Do yall realize half the$#%&!@*on this page is made up? Im not cool with anyone being raped but when you point fingers at ALL muslims for the acts of few, you are feeding the race war and empowering ISIS.