Big problems on the Croatian border. One immigrant, a man in his 30’s attempting to get clearance for his Syrian family says most of those getting access to the trains are not Syrian. Rather they are “extremely violent” he relates, and are pushing and shoving woman and children to board the trains. Getting fake ID’s is not anything new to jihadists. These men are coming in droves, and using this crisis to pass into Europe, their goal? One can only imagine, but it surely is not their need to seek asylum.
Just how dire is this violent border situation next page
That sucks!
It is an obvious invasion
Raad Herfi
Hungary did say, they are richer than the Hungarians.
umm duh…. common sense will tell you that… I do feel for the real families that are fleeing death but not for jihadists in disguise… they got rich because O paid them with our tax $$$$ to come here….duh….
Of course the (the terrorists) are making their move into American grounds.thanks obama. You ugly devil.
Why are white people so stupid they let these scumbags fool us . They want one thing that is to destroy Europe then America . 70% of these people are men you live your country fight for it . People wake up
And here to help Obozo.
And Obamas goal is to bring 100,000 of them over hear each year until 2017.