Big problems on the Croatian border. One immigrant, a man in his 30’s attempting to get clearance for his Syrian family says most of those getting access to the trains are not Syrian. Rather they are “extremely violent” he relates, and are pushing and shoving woman and children to board the trains. Getting fake ID’s is not anything new to jihadists. These men are coming in droves, and using this crisis to pass into Europe, their goal? One can only imagine, but it surely is not their need to seek asylum.
Just how dire is this violent border situation next page
My question is WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THOSE BOATS?!?!? They’re expensive as hell and they keep coming across on them. We get Haitians and Cubans on makeshift rafts, yet the Syrians are coming across on expensive inflatable boats with motors…doesn’t make sense to me.
I think everybody does.
Kellie Krajewski Cordrey
به نام عشق وخالق عشق .ظهور ملکوتی وجهان نما وجهان شمول یگانه منجی عالم بشریت اقا وسرور نظام هستی وعالم وجود خورشید کعبه دلهای پاک وعاشق کوروش خان کبیر معروف به عیسی مسیح وپهلوان اعراب علی مرتضی وشاعر شعرا حافظ شیراز وپرزدنت ایالات متحده امریکا ابراهام لینکلن وجان اف کندی و مخترع AAوNA بیل ویلسون برتمام عاشقان ومشتاقان دل شکسته ومنتظران ظهور ومظلومین کره خاکی مبارک وخرسنده باد .با تقدیم عشق وبهترینها (کوروش کبیر)
That nose tho!
That dudes nose is so big, you could keep a cigar dry in the rain
We knew this all along
We must sent all home. There are SOME that are nice but now we must close the gate. FIRST. PROTECT AMERICA.
Ok Sharen i try to replied. To mr sefdar because. He Muslim. And there is no one answer. Him which i had to answer him in arabic and you can use translator google even know my answer