Big problems on the Croatian border. One immigrant, a man in his 30’s attempting to get clearance for his Syrian family says most of those getting access to the trains are not Syrian. Rather they are “extremely violent” he relates, and are pushing and shoving woman and children to board the trains. Getting fake ID’s is not anything new to jihadists. These men are coming in droves, and using this crisis to pass into Europe, their goal? One can only imagine, but it surely is not their need to seek asylum.
Just how dire is this violent border situation next page
tell them to fight their own problems we are tried of them
I will never deny Jesus is my savior. Nor shall i convert and if isis is in the U.S.,then there will be a gun waiting for them behind every blade of grass
ياسيد سفدار محمد انت تنتقد الاخر بينما كل العيب والشر هو فيكم ولمده ١٤٠٠ ماذا جنى العالم منكم كله قتل ودمار ذخلتم العرق وسوريا وشمال افريقيا باسم الدين وقتلتم اليهود بالجزيره العربيه والمسيحيين تم دخلتم اسبانيا والقدس ثم الصين وغيرها من البلدان كلها بداعي بنات الاصفر والجواري وحور العين وانت لاترى بعيدا حيث لديك قصر نظر درسنا التاريخ الاسلامي القديم والحديث كله مساؤ من قتل وتشريد وتسليب وخدر ونهب وسبايا وجاء اليوم لعيد تاريخه مرة اخرى ليستبيح بمسيحي العراق ويفرض الجزيه او الموت او دخول الاسلام وانت الان تقول الغرب كذا وكذا يا اخي صلح نفسك اولا ومن ثم تعال لنتحاجج ومن ثم انت تعيش في بلاد الغرب تاكل من خيراتهم ومن ضرائبهم وحياتك وحياة اجيالك كلها مؤمنه من جميع نواحي الحياة والان تاتي لتخونهم اليست هذه سياسة محمد الكذب في ثلاث وانت ادرى بها THANK YOU YOUR TIME MR SAFDAR MOHAMMED
ياسيد سفدار محمد انت تنتقد الاخر بينما كل العيب والشر هو فيكم ولمده ١٤٠٠ ماذا جنى العالم منكم كله قتل ودمار ذخلتم العرق وسوريا وشمال افريقيا باسم الدين وقتلتم اليهود بالجزيره العربيه والمسيحيين تم دخلتم اسبانيا والقدس ثم الصين وغيرها من البلدان كلها بداعي بنات الاصفر والجواري وحور العين وانت لاترى بعيدا حيث لديك قصر نظر درسنا التاريخ الاسلامي القديم والحديث كله مساؤ من قتل وتشريد وتسليب وخدر ونهب وسبايا وجاء اليوم لعيد تاريخه مرة اخرى ليستبيح بمسيحي العراق ويفرض الجزيه او الموت او دخول الاسلام وانت الان تقول الغرب كذا وكذا يا اخي صلح نفسك اولا ومن ثم تعال لنتحاجج ومن ثم انت تعيش في بلاد الغرب تاكل من خيراتهم ومن ضرائبهم وحياتك وحياة اجيالك كلها مؤمنه من جميع نواحي الحياة والان تاتي لتخونهم اليست هذه سياسة محمد الكذب في ثلاث وانت ادرى بها THANK YOU YOUR TIME MR SEFDAR MOHAMMED
ياسيد سفدار محمد انت تنتقد الاخر بينما كل العيب والشر هو فيكم ولمده ١٤٠٠ ماذا جنى العالم منكم كله قتل ودمار ذخلتم العرق وسوريا وشمال افريقيا باسم الدين وقتلتم اليهود بالجزيره العربيه والمسيحيين تم دخلتم اسبانيا والقدس ثم الصين وغيرها من البلدان كلها بداعي بنات الاصفر والجواري وحور العين وانت لاترى بعيدا حيث لديك قصر نظر درسنا التاريخ الاسلامي القديم والحديث كله مساؤ من قتل وتشريد وتسليب وخدر ونهب وسبايا وجاء اليوم لعيد تاريخه مرة اخرى ليستبيح بمسيحي العراق ويفرض الجزيه او الموت او دخول الاسلام وانت الان تقول الغرب كذا وكذا يا اخي صلح نفسك اولا ومن ثم تعال لنتحاجج ومن ثم انت تعيش في بلاد الغرب تاكل من خيراتهم ومن ضرائبهم وحياتك وحياة اجيالك كلها مؤمنه من جميع نواحي الحياة والان تاتي لتخونهم اليست هذه سياسة محمد الكذب في ثلاث وانت ادرى بها THANK YOU YOUR TIME MR SEFDAR MOHAMMED واذكرك شي اخر وليس التاريخ ببعيد مذبحة الا من والسريا سنة ١٩١٥ الذي راح اكثر من مليون ونصف المليون مسيحي على يد الاتراك
This is absolutely correct. Anyone who can’t see this is BLIND!
They do not know peace…. they have been fighting foe thousands of years. They are not into peace. They just want a PIECE of what we have
If this trash is at the age where they can fight then they have no business going anywhere but to the front line. That’s what you call a$#%&!@*or The enemy to do others harm. Either way they need to be all sent back for those two reasons.
. Islam and Muslims This is a must read. I copied it from a post. These are things you need to know about Islam and Muslims. Allah IS NOT the same God who is worshiped by Jews and Christians. Allah is no more a God than the Golden calf of Egypt. Allah predates Islam by over a thousand years, and was a minor deity in the Temple of Baal, the Canaanite Sun God, who was worshiped throughout the Middle East. Baal (ba’al) was an ancient Canaanite and Mesopotamian deity associated with agriculture. He was believed to be the “giver of life” and mankind was dependent upon him for providing what was necessary to sustain the farms, flocks and herds. Allah was the moon god who’s sign was the crescent moon. Mohammad, born 570 years after the Birth of Christ, was very familiar with Judaism and Christianity and stole traditions from both religions to create his own cult. He took the named Allah for his God because it was familiar to Arabs across the region. This is why you so often see the symbol of the crescent moon associated with Islam, and on so many Islamic flags. Mohammad asked the Jews to recognize him as a Prophet from God, which they refused to do. Because of this Mohammad turned upon the Jews, and Muslims have hated and despised the Jews ever since. Mohammad warred upon the Jews, and slaughtered whole villages, decapitating the men, and selling the women into slavery. Mohammad himself set the example to his followers by demanding from his captors that they either convert to Islam or be put to death; a tradition that carries on even to this day. Upon Mohammad’s death in 632 A.D., a rift developed amongst Muslims as to who should succeed as leader of their cult. Thus you have the Shia and Sunni. Muslims following Mohammad’s exampled raped, pillaged and plundered their way across the Middle East and North Africa, Murdering those that would not convert to Islam. In the year 711 A.D., Muslims (called the Moors) crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and invaded Spain. In 827 A.D. the Muslims invaded Sicily, and in 847 A.D. the Italian port of Bari (occupied from 847 until 871), with Muslim raids reaching as far north as Rome and Piedmont. During this same time period, the Muslims invaded Europe in the east, first laying siege to Constantinople in 674–678 A.D. Muslims continued their depredations until In March 1095, Pope Urban II received an ambassador from the Byzantine Emperor asking for help against Muslim invasion and another siege of Constantinople. THIS is what prompted the Crusades of the middle ages, an attempt to put an end to Muslim aggression! The fact of the matter is that Europe was being invaded in both the East AND the West! Lets be clear, What we are seeing today in the Mideast, and elsewhere is not radical Islam. This is what Mohamed intended his cult to be, and this is what Islam was when it raped pillaged and plundered its way across the Middle east, North Africa, and Invaded Spain and Europe with the intent of taking over the entire world. Let there be no mistake, it is the intent of Islam to take over the world…… At this point in American history with islam trying to taking over the world, and a president that is promoting islam. With rapeing, beating, stoning, and female castration, these are all part of islam and sharia law. Islam is the scum of the earth!!!