Big problems on the Croatian border. One immigrant, a man in his 30’s attempting to get clearance for his Syrian family says most of those getting access to the trains are not Syrian. Rather they are “extremely violent” he relates, and are pushing and shoving woman and children to board the trains. Getting fake ID’s is not anything new to jihadists. These men are coming in droves, and using this crisis to pass into Europe, their goal? One can only imagine, but it surely is not their need to seek asylum.
Just how dire is this violent border situation next page
And another of obama’s plans executed as planned because of political correctness. We’ll just have to kill them here.
No more immigrants.
just look
try thinking
I can handle the truth..and yes it was a nasty business.. And yes was very wrong…and yes happened a looong time ago…..not in 2015 by religious nuts
Exactly… And every single delusional Greentard protesting so loudly of the rights of these invaders is helping to destroy the world as we know it
but you ot also invaded otyhers that were here long before you came here fomr indiand otyher countries in the berrian land straits you to have stolen ths land form others before the oceans departed the land
that is why ameircnas wont give up their guns more and morewomen are learning to use guns and in htis country they wonrt win americnas wil lbecome obamas worse nightmare when it starts
Darrel when was the last time u watched news