Lieutenant-General André Blattmann of the Swiss Armed Forces is wary of the growing problem of mass 3rd world migrations into Europe.
His tacit admission that Europe has imported violence plays right into the Trump narrative that is gaining steam these days.
After decades of lectures on left-wing policies are the way to go, Europe finds itself in a hot bed of violence and rape… all with heavy gun restrictions in place.
Politicians have failed to address the problem of mass immigration from war torn nations and now the native citizenry of Europe has grown restless and seeks the far right parties who will actually address their concerns.
The European left’s bolstering of their opponents is stunning because it shows the lengths the ruling class will go to cover up heinous crimes surrounding refugee camps.
The European people are getting fed up and in Switzerland it may boil over.
This is a sign of things to come, here if we don’t limit legal and illegal immigration.
Won’t happen pu$$y! We know you have transgenders and millennials, who don’t know which side of the gun to point on your side. We are so scared!
You act like politicians failed, no they achieved exactly what Globalists want for Europe! Disarm it’s citizens import islam to create destabiliozation then they have their crisis to Start the rhetoric of how Europe is lost and now we need a Global government to combat the very same p[roblem they have intentionally created! Sickers, your the one who voted them in power… You want change go after those who cause it, identify them, seize teir assets and set them to trail for their sedition… Thats what you do!
Thats because you let all the camel jockeys in your country.
You better arm yourselves they are. It’s you or them who’s it going to be
Europe arm yourself!! Oh wait they took most of the guns away from most of the people there……nevermind!
Failed impeachment
They only have themselves to blame
The prophetic scrolls talked about this hundreds of years ago but you thought God was not telling the truth????? 9/11 happened here yet the liberals all have short memories and want more of this???? Wake up people. Canada is full of them and will overrun that country as well.
F**e news