What is it with Western politicians who seem to completely miss what is going on? Perhaps they live in ivory towers and are unaffected by the things that are happening. Possibly they are interested in shifting populations and are considering the macroeconomic effect of the situation. They may even be sadists who just get a kick out of seeing the fear and the suffering that their actions are causing. But for some reason, Western politicians are determined to continue with the abuse of the people that they are supposed to be protecting and helping, and they seem more interested in pandering to the very ones that are causing all of the damage and upheaval than to their own countrymen.
Why would they do that?
Find out what Western politicians are doing to cause so much suffering in their own countries, page 2:
Wake up America, keep putting your heads in the sand or up your ____ and they will be taking over your find protected hide-away and no one will be safe walking the streets. Dearborn, MI has already falling as has other communities.
OO. 12 gauge buckshot will solve their violent problems,with ignorant radical Muslims,all over the world.
I know the solution to migrant rapes, hanging or deportation depending on how tolerant you are of animals.
Bunch of idiots
Wow !
Sweden’s only hope of survival is to… “Stop Feeding the enemy and they’ll have to leave”
This is Blue, Tina, &Jerry’s Home.
We have to get our brothers & Sisters off the streets even if it’s 1 Man at a time if that’s what it takes! They deserve Better
No Veteran Should be Homeless! – If you are a homeless Veteran in Northern California, Call me. I will Bring you to my property to stay while we work on getting you permanent housing. — 530-7361422 — My name is Blue & I am here for You.
Whoa–a government and country stupidier than Germany.
Satan’s followers
Bull$#%&!@*Ban Islam
It sucks balls